Up to what extent doses can be lowered in pediatrict CT?
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Inproceedings: an article in a conference proceedings.
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Poster: Summary – with images – on one page of the results of a researche project. The summaries of the poster must be entered in "Abstract" and not "Poster".
Up to what extent doses can be lowered in pediatrict CT?
Title of the conference
RSNA 2007, Radiological Society of North America, 93rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting
Chicago, Illinois, November 25-30, 2007
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PURPOSE: TO determINe dose thresholds, IN term of CTDIvol, where subtle diagnostically relevant details of pediatric CT images BEcomes no more detectable.
METHOD AND MATERIALS: Abdomen images of 8 patients (age range 2 TO 16 years old) were acquired usINg a 8-slice CT system (GE Lightspeed Ultra) with CTDIvol values IN the range of 17 TO 22 mGy adapted for patient age and compatible with our national Reference Levels. Raw data were then processed TO simulate major dose reductions (UP TO tenfold). All images were reviewed and scored INdependently by four experienced radiologists usINg the VGA methodology (Visual GradINg Analysis) TO determINe the dose threshold where a signifiCANt loss of normal anaTOmy conspicuity appeared. Data were analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey HSD tests, a p>0.05 was considered TO BE signifiCANt.
RESULTS: No signifiCANt difference IN VGA scorINg appeared for CTDIvol as low as 3 mGy IN children under 10 years old (≤35 kg), whereas a signifiCANt loss of image quality was noticed when lowerINg the CTDIvol from 10 TO 3 mGy for children IN the 10 TO 16 years groUP (> 35 kg).
CONCLUSION: Compared TO the present Reference Levels proposed for pediatric CT it seems that dose CAN BE further reduced without signifiCANt loss of normal anaTOmy conspicuity. Nevertheless, a CTDIvol lower than 3 mGy IN abdomINal TOmography for children over 35 kg produces images where diagnostically relevant details are no more detectable.
CLINICAL RELEVANCE/APPLICATION: AvoidINg unnecessary dose durINg CT examINations on children while keepINg a sufficient image quality level.
METHOD AND MATERIALS: Abdomen images of 8 patients (age range 2 TO 16 years old) were acquired usINg a 8-slice CT system (GE Lightspeed Ultra) with CTDIvol values IN the range of 17 TO 22 mGy adapted for patient age and compatible with our national Reference Levels. Raw data were then processed TO simulate major dose reductions (UP TO tenfold). All images were reviewed and scored INdependently by four experienced radiologists usINg the VGA methodology (Visual GradINg Analysis) TO determINe the dose threshold where a signifiCANt loss of normal anaTOmy conspicuity appeared. Data were analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey HSD tests, a p>0.05 was considered TO BE signifiCANt.
RESULTS: No signifiCANt difference IN VGA scorINg appeared for CTDIvol as low as 3 mGy IN children under 10 years old (≤35 kg), whereas a signifiCANt loss of image quality was noticed when lowerINg the CTDIvol from 10 TO 3 mGy for children IN the 10 TO 16 years groUP (> 35 kg).
CONCLUSION: Compared TO the present Reference Levels proposed for pediatric CT it seems that dose CAN BE further reduced without signifiCANt loss of normal anaTOmy conspicuity. Nevertheless, a CTDIvol lower than 3 mGy IN abdomINal TOmography for children over 35 kg produces images where diagnostically relevant details are no more detectable.
CLINICAL RELEVANCE/APPLICATION: AvoidINg unnecessary dose durINg CT examINations on children while keepINg a sufficient image quality level.
Create date
08/04/2008 15:47
Last modification date
20/08/2019 14:28