How Interpersonal Accuracy as a General Emotion Recognition Skill and as a Situation-Specific Skill Affects Interaction Outcomes


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How Interpersonal Accuracy as a General Emotion Recognition Skill and as a Situation-Specific Skill Affects Interaction Outcomes
Titre de la conférence
Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, California
Carrard V., Schmid Mast M.
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
Interpersonal accuracy means accurately assess others' traits and states. Typically, this skill is measured with a general emotion recognition ability test. Some researchers have assessed it as a more situation-specific skill as it unfolds in a social interaction. The goal of the present study was to test which aspect predicts interaction outcomes best (e.g., satisfaction). In a field study, we assessed general emotion recognition accuracy of 60 general practitioners and asked them after each consultation with their patients (4 to 6 patients per doctor), to report their patients' preferences for a specific physician communication style. This was compared to the patient's actual preference to obtain a measure of situation-specific interpersonal accuracy. Patients also indicated their satisfaction, trust, and enablement. Results show that the situation-specific interpersonal accuracy was related to more positive interaction outcomes whereas the general emotion recognition skill was not.
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12/05/2015 12:24
Dernière modification de la notice
03/08/2023 5:57
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