Chilipp/psyplot-conda: v1.0.1: Conda installers for psyplot - The interactive visualization framework


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Chilipp/psyplot-conda: v1.0.1: Conda installers for psyplot - The interactive visualization framework
Sommer Philipp S.
Issued date
psyplot-conda provides standalone installers for the psyplot interactive visualization framework. psyplot is an open source python project that mainly combines the plotting utilities of matplotlib (Hunter, 2007) and the data management of the xarray package (Hoyer & Hamman, 2017). The main purpose is to have a framework that allows a fast, attractive, flexible, easily applicable, easily reproducible and especially an interactive visualization of your data. The ultimate goal is to help scientists and especially climate model developers in their daily work by providing a flexible visualization tool that can be enhanced by their own visualization scripts. psyplot can be used through the python command line and through the psyplot-gui module which provides a graphical user interface for an easier interactive usage. These installers contains all necessary dependencies for psyplot, psyplot-gui, psy-simple, psy-maps and psy-reg plus the conda package for managing virtual environments. The installers have been created using using the conda constructor package and the packages from the conda-forge channel. Other ways to install psyplot can be found in the psyplot docs:
Create date
01/05/2018 15:32
Last modification date
21/08/2019 6:14
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