Social origin, psychological resources and educational trajectories in Switzerland

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PhD thesis: a PhD thesis.
Social origin, psychological resources and educational trajectories in Switzerland
Passy Florence
Joye Dominique
Institution details
Université de Lausanne, Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques
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La recherche sociologique a établi que les choix éducationnels, la réussite scolaire et le niveau d'instruction sont positivement associés avec l'origine sociale, et cela même lorsque les compétences des étudiants sont contrôlées. Les buts de cette thèse sont, d'un côté, d'analyser comment le capital économique, culturel et social de la famille d'origine affecte, avec un ensemble choisi de ressources psychologiques des étudiants (compétences scolaires perçues, objectifs pour la future position sociale, motivation instrumentale d'apprendre, intérêts pour les mathématiques et la lecture), les trajectoires éducationnelles post-obligatoires en Suisse. D'un autre côté, elle cherche à investiguer si les ressources psychologiques ont le potentiel de contrebalancer des désavantages résultant du fait d'être issu d'une famille avec un faible statut socioéconomique pour la trajectoire éducationnelle. Pour atteindre ces buts, un modèle théorique est développé. Il propose comment le capital de la famille d'origine, les compétences, les ressources psychologiques, le parcours scolaire précédent, et la trajectoire éducationnelle post-obligatoire sont liés les uns aux autres. Dans le premier chapitre empirique, une typologie des trajectoires éducationnelles couvrant les sept premières années après l'école obligatoire est construite avec des analyses de séquences. Cette typologie donne un bon aperçu des trajectoires éducationnelles post-obligatoires en Suisse et fournit la base pour les variables dépendantes du deuxième chapitre empirique. Dans ce dernier, le modèle théorique est testé et les relations entre les concepts analysés sont quantifiées avec des modèles d'équations structurelles. Les résultats donnent un bon soutien global au modèle théorique. En plus, ils montrent que le capital de la famille d'origine a des effets positifs et statistiquement significatifs sur les compétences, les ressources psychologiques et les trajectoires éducationnelles des étudiants, et suggèrent que le parcours au niveau secondaire I est un médiateur important des effets de l'origine sociale sur les trajectoires éducationnelles post-obligatoires. Finalement, ils indiquent que les ressources psychologiques ne sont pas entièrement déterminées par l'origine sociale, que les objectifs pour la future position sociale et l'intérêt pour la lecture ont des effets positifs et statistiquement significatifs sur les trajectoires éducationnelles post-obligatoires, et que l'intérêt pour la lecture a le potentiel de contrebalancer en partie les désavantages pour la carrière éducationnelle qui résultent du fait de grandir dans une famille avec un faible statut socioéconomique.
Sociological research has persistently shown that educational choices, achievements and attainments are positively related to the social origin, and this even when the students' abilities are controlled for. The purpose of this thesis is, on the one hand, to analyse how the economic, cultural and social capital of the family of origin and a chosen set of the students' psychological resources (academic ability beliefs, goals for the future social position, instrumental (learning) motivation, mathematical and reading interests) together affect the post-compulsory educational trajectories in Switzerland. On the other hand, it aims at investigating whether psychological resources have the potential ta buffer disadvantages for the educational pathways that result from growing up in a family of origin with a low socioeconomic status. To reach these goals, a theoretical model is developed that suggests how the family of origin's capital and the students' skills, psychological resources, previous educational outcomes, and post-compulsory educational trajectory are related ta each other. ln the first empirical chapter, a typology of the post-compulsory educational trajectories during the first seven years after compulsory school is constructed with the use of sequence analyses. This typology gives a good overview of the post-compulsory educational trajectories in Switzerland and provides the basis for the dependent variables of the second empirical chapter, in which the theoretical model is tested and the relations between the analysed concepts are assessed by means of structural equation modelling. The results provide a good overall empirical support to the theoretical model. ln addition, they show that the family of origin's capital has statistically significant positive effects on the students' skills, psychological resources and educational trajectories, and suggest that the educational trajectories at the lower-secondary level are an important mediator of the social origin's effects on the post-compulsory educational trajectories. Finally, they indicate that the psychological resources are not fully determined by the social origin, that the goals for the future social position and the reading interests have statistically significant positive effects on the post-compulsory educational trajectories, and that the latter may have the potential ta partially buffer the disadvantages for the educational career that result from growing up in a family of origin with a low socioeconomic status.
Sociological research has persistently shown that educational choices, achievements and attainments are positively related to the social origin, and this even when the students' abilities are controlled for. The purpose of this thesis is, on the one hand, to analyse how the economic, cultural and social capital of the family of origin and a chosen set of the students' psychological resources (academic ability beliefs, goals for the future social position, instrumental (learning) motivation, mathematical and reading interests) together affect the post-compulsory educational trajectories in Switzerland. On the other hand, it aims at investigating whether psychological resources have the potential ta buffer disadvantages for the educational pathways that result from growing up in a family of origin with a low socioeconomic status. To reach these goals, a theoretical model is developed that suggests how the family of origin's capital and the students' skills, psychological resources, previous educational outcomes, and post-compulsory educational trajectory are related ta each other. ln the first empirical chapter, a typology of the post-compulsory educational trajectories during the first seven years after compulsory school is constructed with the use of sequence analyses. This typology gives a good overview of the post-compulsory educational trajectories in Switzerland and provides the basis for the dependent variables of the second empirical chapter, in which the theoretical model is tested and the relations between the analysed concepts are assessed by means of structural equation modelling. The results provide a good overall empirical support to the theoretical model. ln addition, they show that the family of origin's capital has statistically significant positive effects on the students' skills, psychological resources and educational trajectories, and suggest that the educational trajectories at the lower-secondary level are an important mediator of the social origin's effects on the post-compulsory educational trajectories. Finally, they indicate that the psychological resources are not fully determined by the social origin, that the goals for the future social position and the reading interests have statistically significant positive effects on the post-compulsory educational trajectories, and that the latter may have the potential ta partially buffer the disadvantages for the educational career that result from growing up in a family of origin with a low socioeconomic status.
Create date
12/05/2021 9:57
Last modification date
13/05/2021 5:34