Trasporti e sviluppo territoriale negli spazi intermedi : l'esempio della regione transfrontaliera Insubrica

Serval ID
PhD thesis: a PhD thesis.
Trasporti e sviluppo territoriale negli spazi intermedi : l'esempio della regione transfrontaliera Insubrica
Pini G.
Institution details
Université de Lausanne, Faculté des géosciences et de l'environnement
Faculté des géosciences et de l'environnement Université de Lausanne CH-1015 Lausanne SUISSE
Publication state
Issued date
Number of pages
Avec cette thèse de doctorat nous proposons une réflexion transversale concernant les relations entre infrastructures de transport et développement territorial dans des espaces dits « intermédiaires ».
Le concept d'espace intermédiaire, relativement nouveau en géographie, est conçu en fonction d'une double approche : celle des infrastructures où les espaces intermédiaires constituent des zones de transit obligées entre des pôles urbains hiérarchiquement supérieurs (par rapport une échelle horizontale) et celle des frontières où les espaces intermédiaires constituent des territoires de coopération entre différents niveaux politico-institutionnels (par rapport à une échelle verticale).
Cette problématique de recherche est traitée aussi bien du point de vue théorique qu'avec des études de cas portant sur les effets des nouvelles infrastructures de transports dans la région transfrontalière insubrique (entre le Canton du Tessin et la Lombardie).
L'objectif visé est de défendre un scénario d'organisation spatiale polycentrique à plusieurs niveaux comme solution pour le développement durable et cohérent de ces espaces intermédiaires.
Ainsi, pour le « niveau macro », nous proposons une analyse des changements d'accessibilité spatiale et des potentiels de développement territorial pour les agglomérations concernées par la mise en service du nouveau tunnel ferroviaire de base du Monte Ceneri (TBC) et de la nouvelle ligne Lugano/Como-Mendrisio-Varese-Malpensa (FMV) à l'horizon 2020.
Pour le « niveau meso », nous analysons les effets de la nouvelle ligne FMV en termes de potentiel de densification polycentrique autours des gares ferroviaires.
Pour le « niveau micro », nous proposons une analyse sur les comportements de mobilité ainsi que des améliorations ciblées du système de transport pour la ville de Mendrisio visant à promouvoir le développement polycentrique de cette commune.
De plus, un système d'analyse permettant de mettre en lien les divers facteurs explicatifs dans l'analyse des relations entre les nouvelles infrastructures de transport et les effets sur la mobilité et le développement territorial est également élaboré et testé dans notre recherche.
With this Ph.D. thesis we investigate the relationship between transport infrastructures and territory development inside the so called "in-between spaces".
The idea of "in-between space", relatively novel in geography, is the formal outcome of a double approach: the one of the infrastructures, saying that these spaces can be described as areas of constrained transit between urban centres of superior hierarchical level (on a horizontal scale), and the one of the borders, stating that in-between spaces are areas of cooperation between various political-institutional levels.
The above mentioned research issues are deepened both at theoretical and empirical level, being the latter based on field studies of the cross-boundary Western-Lombard area (between the Swiss canton of Ticino and the Italian region of Lombardy).
This research pursues the goal of defending the argument that a multi-level polycentric spatial scenario can be a possible solution fora sustainable development of the above described in- between areas.
From a "macro" perspective, what we submit here is an analysis on the expected changes in spatial accessibility and on the potential territorial development for the built-up areas influenced by the construction of the new train tunnel of the Monte Ceneri (TBC) and of the new railway line Lugano/Como-Mendrisio-Varese-Malpensa (FMV).
At a "meso" level we analyse the effects exerted by the new FMV line taking into account the potential densification of the areas surrounding the railway stations.
Finally, at a "micro" level, we analyse the mobility behaviours in the town of Mendrisio and we propose some possible improvements to the local public transport system, with the scope to promote a polycentric development of this municipality.
Moreover, we developed and tested an analytic system able to define the existing links between the various explaining factors characterizing the relationship between new transport infrastructures and effects on mobility.
With this Ph.D. thesis we investigate the relationship between transport infrastructures and territory development inside the so called "in-between spaces".
The idea of "in-between space", relatively novel in geography, is the formal outcome of a double approach: the one of the infrastructures, saying that these spaces can be described as areas of constrained transit between urban centres of superior hierarchical level (on a horizontal scale), and the one of the borders, stating that in-between spaces are areas of cooperation between various political-institutional levels.
The above mentioned research issues are deepened both at theoretical and empirical level, being the latter based on field studies of the cross-boundary Western-Lombard area (between the Swiss canton of Ticino and the Italian region of Lombardy).
This research pursues the goal of defending the argument that a multi-level polycentric spatial scenario can be a possible solution for a sustainable development of the above described in- between areas.
From a "macro" perspective, what we submit here is an analysis on the expected changes in spatial accessibility and on the potential territorial development for the built-up areas influenced by the construction of the new train tunnel of the Monte Ceneri (TBC) and of the new railway line Lugano/Como-Mendrisio-Varese-Malpensa (FMV).
At a "meso" level we analyse the effects exerted by the new FMV line taking into account the potential densification of the areas surrounding the railway stations.
Finally, at a "micro" level, we analyse the mobility behaviours in the town of Mendrisio and we propose some possible improvements to the local public transport system, with the scope to promote a polycentric development of this municipality.
Moreover, we developed and tested an analytic system able to define the existing links between the various explaining factors characterizing the relationship between new transport infrastructures and effects on mobility.
Le concept d'espace intermédiaire, relativement nouveau en géographie, est conçu en fonction d'une double approche : celle des infrastructures où les espaces intermédiaires constituent des zones de transit obligées entre des pôles urbains hiérarchiquement supérieurs (par rapport une échelle horizontale) et celle des frontières où les espaces intermédiaires constituent des territoires de coopération entre différents niveaux politico-institutionnels (par rapport à une échelle verticale).
Cette problématique de recherche est traitée aussi bien du point de vue théorique qu'avec des études de cas portant sur les effets des nouvelles infrastructures de transports dans la région transfrontalière insubrique (entre le Canton du Tessin et la Lombardie).
L'objectif visé est de défendre un scénario d'organisation spatiale polycentrique à plusieurs niveaux comme solution pour le développement durable et cohérent de ces espaces intermédiaires.
Ainsi, pour le « niveau macro », nous proposons une analyse des changements d'accessibilité spatiale et des potentiels de développement territorial pour les agglomérations concernées par la mise en service du nouveau tunnel ferroviaire de base du Monte Ceneri (TBC) et de la nouvelle ligne Lugano/Como-Mendrisio-Varese-Malpensa (FMV) à l'horizon 2020.
Pour le « niveau meso », nous analysons les effets de la nouvelle ligne FMV en termes de potentiel de densification polycentrique autours des gares ferroviaires.
Pour le « niveau micro », nous proposons une analyse sur les comportements de mobilité ainsi que des améliorations ciblées du système de transport pour la ville de Mendrisio visant à promouvoir le développement polycentrique de cette commune.
De plus, un système d'analyse permettant de mettre en lien les divers facteurs explicatifs dans l'analyse des relations entre les nouvelles infrastructures de transport et les effets sur la mobilité et le développement territorial est également élaboré et testé dans notre recherche.
With this Ph.D. thesis we investigate the relationship between transport infrastructures and territory development inside the so called "in-between spaces".
The idea of "in-between space", relatively novel in geography, is the formal outcome of a double approach: the one of the infrastructures, saying that these spaces can be described as areas of constrained transit between urban centres of superior hierarchical level (on a horizontal scale), and the one of the borders, stating that in-between spaces are areas of cooperation between various political-institutional levels.
The above mentioned research issues are deepened both at theoretical and empirical level, being the latter based on field studies of the cross-boundary Western-Lombard area (between the Swiss canton of Ticino and the Italian region of Lombardy).
This research pursues the goal of defending the argument that a multi-level polycentric spatial scenario can be a possible solution fora sustainable development of the above described in- between areas.
From a "macro" perspective, what we submit here is an analysis on the expected changes in spatial accessibility and on the potential territorial development for the built-up areas influenced by the construction of the new train tunnel of the Monte Ceneri (TBC) and of the new railway line Lugano/Como-Mendrisio-Varese-Malpensa (FMV).
At a "meso" level we analyse the effects exerted by the new FMV line taking into account the potential densification of the areas surrounding the railway stations.
Finally, at a "micro" level, we analyse the mobility behaviours in the town of Mendrisio and we propose some possible improvements to the local public transport system, with the scope to promote a polycentric development of this municipality.
Moreover, we developed and tested an analytic system able to define the existing links between the various explaining factors characterizing the relationship between new transport infrastructures and effects on mobility.
With this Ph.D. thesis we investigate the relationship between transport infrastructures and territory development inside the so called "in-between spaces".
The idea of "in-between space", relatively novel in geography, is the formal outcome of a double approach: the one of the infrastructures, saying that these spaces can be described as areas of constrained transit between urban centres of superior hierarchical level (on a horizontal scale), and the one of the borders, stating that in-between spaces are areas of cooperation between various political-institutional levels.
The above mentioned research issues are deepened both at theoretical and empirical level, being the latter based on field studies of the cross-boundary Western-Lombard area (between the Swiss canton of Ticino and the Italian region of Lombardy).
This research pursues the goal of defending the argument that a multi-level polycentric spatial scenario can be a possible solution for a sustainable development of the above described in- between areas.
From a "macro" perspective, what we submit here is an analysis on the expected changes in spatial accessibility and on the potential territorial development for the built-up areas influenced by the construction of the new train tunnel of the Monte Ceneri (TBC) and of the new railway line Lugano/Como-Mendrisio-Varese-Malpensa (FMV).
At a "meso" level we analyse the effects exerted by the new FMV line taking into account the potential densification of the areas surrounding the railway stations.
Finally, at a "micro" level, we analyse the mobility behaviours in the town of Mendrisio and we propose some possible improvements to the local public transport system, with the scope to promote a polycentric development of this municipality.
Moreover, we developed and tested an analytic system able to define the existing links between the various explaining factors characterizing the relationship between new transport infrastructures and effects on mobility.
Create date
19/04/2016 9:55
Last modification date
23/09/2020 5:24