Transfer Learning on Structural Brain Age Models to Decode Cognition in MS: A Federated Learning Approach.
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Transfer Learning on Structural Brain Age Models to Decode Cognition in MS: A Federated Learning Approach.
Introduction. Classical deep learning research requires lots of centralised data. However, data sets are often stored at different clinical centers, and sharing sensitive patient data such as brain images is difficult. In this manuscript, we investigated the feasibility of federated learning, sending models to the data instead of the other way round, for research on brain magnetic resonant images of people with multiple sclerosis (MS).
Methods. Using transfer learning on a previously published brain age model, we trained a model to decode performance on the symbol digit modalities test (SDMT) of patients with MS from structural T1 weighted MRI. Three international centers in Brussels, Greifswald and Prague participated in the project. In Brussels, one computer served as the server coordinating the FL project, while the other served as client for model training on local data (n=97). The other two clients were Greifswald (n=104) and Prague (n=100). Each FL round, the server sent a global model to the clients, where its fully connected layer was updated on the local data. After collecting the local models, the server applied a weighted average of two randomly picked clients, yielding a new global model.
Results. After 22 federated learning rounds, the average validation loss across clients reached a minimum. The model appeared to have learned to assign SDMT values close to the mean with a mean absolute error of 9.04, 10.59 and 10.71 points between true and predicted SDMT on the test data sets of Brussels, Greifswald and Prague respectively. The overall test MAE across all clients was 10.13 points.
Conclusion. Federated learning is feasible for machine learning research on brain MRI of persons with MS, setting the stage for larger transfer learning studies to investigate the utility of brain age latent representations in cognitive decoding tasks.
Methods. Using transfer learning on a previously published brain age model, we trained a model to decode performance on the symbol digit modalities test (SDMT) of patients with MS from structural T1 weighted MRI. Three international centers in Brussels, Greifswald and Prague participated in the project. In Brussels, one computer served as the server coordinating the FL project, while the other served as client for model training on local data (n=97). The other two clients were Greifswald (n=104) and Prague (n=100). Each FL round, the server sent a global model to the clients, where its fully connected layer was updated on the local data. After collecting the local models, the server applied a weighted average of two randomly picked clients, yielding a new global model.
Results. After 22 federated learning rounds, the average validation loss across clients reached a minimum. The model appeared to have learned to assign SDMT values close to the mean with a mean absolute error of 9.04, 10.59 and 10.71 points between true and predicted SDMT on the test data sets of Brussels, Greifswald and Prague respectively. The overall test MAE across all clients was 10.13 points.
Conclusion. Federated learning is feasible for machine learning research on brain MRI of persons with MS, setting the stage for larger transfer learning studies to investigate the utility of brain age latent representations in cognitive decoding tasks.
Multiple sclerosis, MRI, federated learning, transfer learning, brain age, cognition.
Create date
11/01/2024 18:05
Last modification date
19/01/2024 7:12