Fingermark initial composition and aging using Fourier transform infrared microscopy (μ-FTIR)
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Fingermark initial composition and aging using Fourier transform infrared microscopy (μ-FTIR)
Forensic Science International
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This study investigated fingermark residues using Fourier transform infrared microscopy (μ-
FTIR) in order to obtain fundamental information about the marks' initial composition and aging
kinetics. This knowledge would be an asset for fundamental research on fingermarks, such as for
dating purposes. Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) and single-point reflection modes were tested on
fresh fingermarks. ATR proved to be better suited and this mode was subsequently selected for further
aging studies. Eccrine and sebaceous material was found in fresh and aged fingermarks and the
spectral regions 1000-1850 cm-1 and 2700-3600 cm-1 were identified as the most informative. The
impact of substrates (aluminium and glass slides) and storage conditions (storage in the light and in
the dark) on fingermark aging was also studied. Chemometric analyses showed that fingermarks could
be grouped according to their age regardless of the substrate when they were stored in an open box
kept in an air-conditioned laboratory at around 20°C next to a window. On the contrary, when
fingermarks were stored in the dark, only specimens deposited on the same substrate could be
grouped by age. Thus, the substrate appeared to influence aging of fingermarks in the dark.
Furthermore, PLS regression analyses were conducted in order to study the possibility of modelling
fingermark aging for potential fingermark dating applications. The resulting models showed an overall
precision of ±3 days and clearly demonstrated their capability to differentiate older fingermarks (20
and 34-days old) from newer ones (1, 3, 7 and 9-days old) regardless of the substrate and lighting
conditions. These results are promising from a fingermark dating perspective. Further research is
required to fully validate such models and assess their robustness and limitations in uncontrolled
casework conditions.
FTIR) in order to obtain fundamental information about the marks' initial composition and aging
kinetics. This knowledge would be an asset for fundamental research on fingermarks, such as for
dating purposes. Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) and single-point reflection modes were tested on
fresh fingermarks. ATR proved to be better suited and this mode was subsequently selected for further
aging studies. Eccrine and sebaceous material was found in fresh and aged fingermarks and the
spectral regions 1000-1850 cm-1 and 2700-3600 cm-1 were identified as the most informative. The
impact of substrates (aluminium and glass slides) and storage conditions (storage in the light and in
the dark) on fingermark aging was also studied. Chemometric analyses showed that fingermarks could
be grouped according to their age regardless of the substrate when they were stored in an open box
kept in an air-conditioned laboratory at around 20°C next to a window. On the contrary, when
fingermarks were stored in the dark, only specimens deposited on the same substrate could be
grouped by age. Thus, the substrate appeared to influence aging of fingermarks in the dark.
Furthermore, PLS regression analyses were conducted in order to study the possibility of modelling
fingermark aging for potential fingermark dating applications. The resulting models showed an overall
precision of ±3 days and clearly demonstrated their capability to differentiate older fingermarks (20
and 34-days old) from newer ones (1, 3, 7 and 9-days old) regardless of the substrate and lighting
conditions. These results are promising from a fingermark dating perspective. Further research is
required to fully validate such models and assess their robustness and limitations in uncontrolled
casework conditions.
fingerprint, kinetics, dating, Spearman correlation, PCA, PLSR
Open Access
Create date
13/11/2014 16:11
Last modification date
20/08/2019 14:10