Estimation of time of death in relation to gastric contents


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Inproceedings: an article in a conference proceedings.
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Abstract (Abstract): shot summary in a article that contain essentials elements presented during a scientific conference, lecture or from a poster.
Estimation of time of death in relation to gastric contents
Title of the conference
23rd International Meeting on Forensic Medicine Alpe-Adria-Pannonia
Vilarino R., Mangin P.
Lausanne, Suisse, 26-28 juin 2014
Publication state
Issued date
Introduction: Estimation of the time since death based on the gastric content is still a controversy subject. Many studies have been achieved leaving the same incertitude: the intra- and inter-individual variability.
Aim: After a homicidal case where a specialized gastroenterologist was cited to estimate the time of death based on the gastric contents and his experience in clinical practice. Consequently we decided to make a review of the scientific literature to see if that method was more reliable nowadays.
Material and methods: We chose articles from 1979 that describe the estimation of the gastric emptying rate according to several factors and the forensic articles about the estimation of the time of death in relation with the gastric content.
Results: Most of the articles cited by the specialized gastroenterologist were studies about living healthy people and the effects of several factors (medication, supine versus upside-down position, body mass index or different type of food). Forensic articles frequently concluded that the estimation of the time since death by analyzing the gastric content can be used but not as the unique method.
Conclusion: Estimation of the time since death by analyze of the gastric contents is a method that can be used nowadays. But it cannot be the only method as the inter- and intra-individual variability remains an important bias.
Forensic Medicine
Create date
09/07/2014 16:25
Last modification date
20/08/2019 13:26
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