Spectatrices du cinéma. Aux origines d’un imaginaire
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Book:A book with an explicit publisher.
Spectatrices du cinéma. Aux origines d’un imaginaire
Classiques Garnier, coll. Recherches cinématographiques (dir. José Moure)
Address of publication
Publication state
In Press
Cet ouvrage raconte, avec l’appui de nombreux documents textuels et visuels, une histoire des spectatrices qui, dans les années 1910, dérangent ou bousculent la projection à travers leurs chapeaux, leurs bébés, leurs commentaires, leur sex appeal ou leur vulnérabilité à l’agression. L’imaginaire qui en découle est complexe, tissé par une diversité de points de vue. D’où ce paradoxe : alors que la salle de cinéma offre un espace de liberté aux femmes, elle est aussi un reflet (même déformé) des hiérarchies sociales qu’elle contribue parfois à renforcer.
This book recounts, with numerous textual and visual documents, a history of female spectators in the 1910s who disrupted or disturbed screenings through their hats, babies, comments, sex appeal, or vulnerability to aggression. The resulting imaginary is complex and woven from a diversity of perspectives. Hence, this paradox: while the movie theater offers a space of freedom for women, it is also a reflection (albeit distorted) of social hierarchies that it sometimes helps reinforce.
This book recounts, with numerous textual and visual documents, a history of female spectators in the 1910s who disrupted or disturbed screenings through their hats, babies, comments, sex appeal, or vulnerability to aggression. The resulting imaginary is complex and woven from a diversity of perspectives. Hence, this paradox: while the movie theater offers a space of freedom for women, it is also a reflection (albeit distorted) of social hierarchies that it sometimes helps reinforce.
spectatrices, publics féminins, cinéma des premiers temps, salles de cinéma, culture vernaculaire, histoire culturelle, histoire des femmes, female spectators, women audience, early cinema, movie theaters, vernacular culture, cultural history, history of women
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Create date
17/07/2024 18:24
Last modification date
19/07/2024 6:06