The prothrombin time/international normalized ratio (PT/INR) Line: derivation of local INR with commercial thromboplastins and coagulometers--two independent studies.


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The prothrombin time/international normalized ratio (PT/INR) Line: derivation of local INR with commercial thromboplastins and coagulometers--two independent studies.
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Poller L., Ibrahim S., Keown M., Pattison A., Jespersen J., European Action On Anticoagulation
European Action On Anticoagulation, Marun S., Muntean W., Aspöck G., Bailleul E., Wijns W., Michel T., Jochmans K., Chatelain B., Marcelis L., Nijs AN., Johnston M., Kynde K., Syräjlä M., Savolainen ER., Ivaska K., Rajamäki A., Vanharanta R., Juhan I., Aillaud MF., Guillin MC., Huisse MG., Sie P., Lecompte T., Schmitt Y., Harenberg J., Plesch W., Aronis S., Theodossiades G., Tsoukanas B., Markala D., Ditsa M., Cahill M., Madden M., Fitzgerald H., McCarthy D., Collins B., Rooney S., Naparstek E., Palareti G., Marongiu F., Erba N., Testa S., Mariani G., Potì R., Mannucci PM., Tripodi A., Bader R., Pengo V., Gresele P., D'Incà M., Ageno W., Tosetto A., Hensgens HE., Idema RN., Oosterhout DH., Mulder AB., Hamulyak K., vd Dussen H., Musial J., Gago T., Palmeiro A., Campos M., Marques-Dias DA., Cunha Monteiro£££Á£££ Á. , Angela Cunha M., de Gaia WN. , Peternel P., Stegnar M., Fontcuberta J., Borrell M., Reverter JC., Santasusana PD., Lopez-Fernandez MF., Montero J., Ribera Casado C., Vicente V., Edlund B., Egberg N., Lämmle B., Alberio L., de Moerloose P., Reber G., Machin SJ., Mackie I., Lawrie A., Luckit J., Shanks D., Dolan G., Flaherty T., Ludlam CA., Walker ID., Lawson DE., Triscott M., Marlar RA., Heit JA., Watzke H., Weisser B., Gallus AS., Osmond J., Chatelain B., Cornet I., Jochmans K., Munster AM., Leed B., Chillou C., Defard M., Horellou MH., Harenberg J., Halkin H., Loebstein R., Naparstek E., Kirgner I., Ageno W., Dentali F., Trapani Lombardo V., Sottilotta G., Marongiu F., Consiglio P., De Michele S., Moia M., Carpenedo M., Oliviero B., Bader R., D'Incà M., Manotti C., Tassoni MI., Palareti G., Cosmi B., Brusi C., Legnani C., Pengo V., Pegoraro C., Andriani C., Gresele P., Grazia Cirigliano M., Ribaldi E., Abbate R., Poli D., Perricone C., Schiavuli M., Casiera C., Lupone MR., Rossi E., Crivelli S., Birolini A., Potì R., Parente F., Miglietta AM., Campobasso M., Musial J., Sydor W., Marques-Dias DA., Campos M., Gago T., Peternel P., Krevel B., Stegnar M., Fernandez MA., Vicente V., Lozano M., Shiach C., Bowyer C., Luckit J., Charles F.
1538-7836 (Electronic)
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Publication types: Comparative Study ; Journal Article ; Multicenter Study ; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Publication Status: ppublish
BACKGROUND: The WHO scheme for prothrombin time (PT) standardization has been limited in application, because of its difficulties in implementation, particularly the need for mandatory manual PT testing and for local provision of thromboplastin international reference preparations (IRP).
METHODS: The value of a new simpler procedure to derive international normalized ratio (INR), the PT/INR Line, based on only five European Concerted Action on Anticoagulation (ECAA) calibrant plasmas certified by experienced centres has been assessed in two independent exercises using a range of commercial thromboplastins and coagulometers. INRs were compared with manual certified values with thromboplastin IRP from expert centres and in the second study also with INRs from local ISI calibrations.
RESULTS: In the first study with the PT/INR Line, 8.7% deviation from certified INRs was reduced to 1.1% with human reagents, and from 7.0% to 2.6% with rabbit reagents. In the second study, deviation was reduced from 11.2% to 0.4% with human reagents by both local ISI calibration and the PT/INR Line. With rabbit reagents, 10.4% deviation was reduced to 1.1% with both procedures; 4.9% deviation was reduced to 0.5% with bovine/combined reagents with local ISI calibrations and to 2.9% with the PT/INR Line. Mean INR dispersion was reduced with all thromboplastins and automated systems using the PT/INR Line.
CONCLUSIONS: The procedure using the PT/INR Line provides reliable INR derivation without the need for WHO ISI calibration across the range of locally used commercial thromboplastins and automated PT systems included in two independent international studies.
Analysis of Variance, Animals, Automation, Laboratory/standards, Blood Coagulation, Calibration, Cattle, Humans, International Normalized Ratio/standards, Linear Models, Observer Variation, Predictive Value of Tests, Prothrombin Time/standards, Rabbits, Reference Standards, Reproducibility of Results, Thromboplastin/analysis, World Health Organization
Web of science
Create date
10/02/2015 9:47
Last modification date
20/08/2019 13:06
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