Información clásica e información cuántica: ¿dos tipos de información?
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Información clásica e información cuántica: ¿dos tipos de información?
Scientiae Studia
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El presente artículo busca ofrecer un análisis conceptual de la noción de información, a partir del modo en que es definida por las teorías formales de Claude Shannon y de Benjamin Schumacher. Contra la postura según la cual existen dos tipos de información de naturalezas diferentes, una información clásica y una información cuántica (definidas por las teorías de Shannon y de Schumacher respectivamente), aquí argumentamos que no hay razones suficientes para sostener la existencia de la información cuántica como un nuevo tipo sustancialmente distinto de información. Afirmamos así que existe un único tipo de información que puede ser codificado de diversas maneras, en particular, mediante sistemas clásicos o sistemas cuánticos. Esta posición nos conducirá a concebir un concepto unificado y abstracto de información, en un contexto donde (1) la teoría de Shannon resulta neutral e independiente de las teorías físicas utilizadas para describir las partes involucradas en el proceso de transmitir información, y (2) la teoría de Schumacher no define un nuevo tipo de entidad informacional, sino una manera alternativa de codificar la información mediante estados cuánticos.
The aim of this article is to offer a conceptual analysis of the notion of information, on the basis of the way in which it is defined by the theories of Claude Shannon and of Benjamin Schumacher. Against the position according to which there are two kinds of information of different natures, a classical information and a quantum information (defined by the theories of Shannon and Schumacher respectively), here we argue that there are not sufficient reasons to maintain the existence of quantum information as a new and substantially different kind of information. So we claim that there is only one kind of information, which can be encoded in different ways, in particular, by means of classical or quantum systems. This position will lead us to conceive an unified and abstract concept of information in a context where (a) Shannon's theory is neutral and independent from the physical theories used to describe the stages involved in the process of transmitting information, and (b) Schumacher's theory does not define a new kind of informational entity, but a alternative way of coding information by means of quantum states.
The aim of this article is to offer a conceptual analysis of the notion of information, on the basis of the way in which it is defined by the theories of Claude Shannon and of Benjamin Schumacher. Against the position according to which there are two kinds of information of different natures, a classical information and a quantum information (defined by the theories of Shannon and Schumacher respectively), here we argue that there are not sufficient reasons to maintain the existence of quantum information as a new and substantially different kind of information. So we claim that there is only one kind of information, which can be encoded in different ways, in particular, by means of classical or quantum systems. This position will lead us to conceive an unified and abstract concept of information in a context where (a) Shannon's theory is neutral and independent from the physical theories used to describe the stages involved in the process of transmitting information, and (b) Schumacher's theory does not define a new kind of informational entity, but a alternative way of coding information by means of quantum states.
Teoría de la Información, Shannon, Schumacher, Información clásica, Información cuántica, Codificación, Information Theory, Shannon, Schumacher, Classical information, Quantum information, Coding
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Open Access
Create date
31/10/2022 10:16
Last modification date
16/01/2023 11:58