Characterization of bone cancer survivors’ educational attainments


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A Master's thesis.
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Master (thesis) (master)
Characterization of bone cancer survivors’ educational attainments
Institution details
Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et médecine
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Issued date
Number of pages
90% of cancer survivors encounter treatment’s short-/long-term effects on education (absenteeism, lower school level, repeating a year, etc..). However, those results mainly regard Leukemias or CNS tumor. The main purpose of this study is to assess bone cancer treatment impact on educational attainments.
A postal self-made questionnaire was sent to selected former patients. They must have been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma or Ewing’s sarcoma before their 22nd birthday with at least 5 years survival and be ≥ 18 years old. They also must have been treated at the CHUV and live in French-Speaking Switzerland. Therefore, the malignant bone CHUV tumors Institutional pathology database (1994-2019) has been used. A similar questionnaire was sent to their parents. Questions concerned formation, financial situation, post-diagnosis formation situation, long-term side effects and their impact.
Of the 41 eligible survivors, 21 responded with a completed questionnaire. Second degree formation is achieved by 96% of participants, with a majority of vocational training (55%). Regarding the formation score, level 3 (higher one) is predominant (57% of population). Age at diagnosis in an important variable, as survivors who were 13 to 22 years old (group 2) occupy 67% of that level (youngers from 5 to 12 count for 33%). Greater is the impact when patients are affected at an early age. Even though 75% encounter decreased attention, only 16% had lower grades. Formation is more concerned by a negative impact (40%), but survivors seem to have dealt with it which led to less consequences on their profession (20%). Finally, 28% find that their salary is either just sufficient or hard to live with.
To be diagnosed and treated of bone cancer treatment during youth has definitely an impact on patient’s life, even on educational attainments. Age at diagnosis has to be highlighted, as youngers achieved less frequently level 3 on formation score. A particular attention should be addressed to them, to prevent those differences.
bone cancer survivors, education, treatment impact, youth, Switzerland
Create date
07/09/2022 14:06
Last modification date
11/01/2023 7:53
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