Typing less common ovarian tumors: A training tool based on a pattern-based algorithm applied to a set of 20 virtual slides.


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Inproceedings: an article in a conference proceedings.
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Abstract (Abstract): shot summary in a article that contain essentials elements presented during a scientific conference, lecture or from a poster.
Typing less common ovarian tumors: A training tool based on a pattern-based algorithm applied to a set of 20 virtual slides.
Title of the conference
12th European Congress on Digital Pathology
Vjigen S., Saravia M., Granger P., Devouassoux M., de Leval L., Fiche M.
Paris, France; 18-21 June 2014
Publication state
Issued date
Context: Ovarian tumors (OT) typing is a competency expected from pathologists, with significant clinical implications. OT however come in numerous different types, some rather rare, with the consequence of few opportunities for practice in some departments.
Aim: Our aim was to design a tool for pathologists to train in less common OT typing.
Method and Results: Representative slides of 20 less common OT were scanned (Nano Zoomer Digital Hamamatsu®) and the diagnostic algorithm proposed by Young and Scully applied to each case (Young RH and Scully RE, Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 2001, 18: 161-235) to include: recognition of morphological pattern(s);
shortlisting of differential diagnosis; proposition of relevant immunohistochemical markers. The next steps of this project will be: evaluation of the tool in several post-graduate training centers in Europe and Québec; improvement of its design based on evaluation results; diffusion to a larger public.
Discussion: In clinical medicine, solving many cases is recognized as of utmost importance for a novice to become an expert. This project relies on the virtual slides technology to provide pathologists with a learning tool aimed at increasing their skills in OT typing. After due evaluation, this model might be extended to other
uncommon tumors.
Create date
14/07/2014 10:35
Last modification date
20/08/2019 17:04
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