Characteristics and quality of care of diabetic patients residing int the canton of Vaud


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Characteristics and quality of care of diabetic patients residing int the canton of Vaud
Titre de la conférence
80. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine Innere Medizin
Peytremann Bridevaux I., Bordet J., Burnand B.
Basel, Schweiz, 23.-25. Mai 2012
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
Swiss Medical Forum
Introduction: Within the framework of the «Programme cantonal
Diabète», we aimed at collecting data to 1) describe the population of
diabetic patients in the canton of Vaud, and 2) assess the quality of
their care.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the fall of 2011. Out
of 140 randomly selected community pharmacies registered in the
canton of Vaud, 56 accepted to participate in patients' recruitment. Noninstitutionalized
adult diabetic patients (disease duration >12 months)
visiting a pharmacy with a prescription for oral anti-diabetic drugs,
insulin, glycemic strips or glucose meter were eligible. Patients not
residing in the canton of Vaud, not speaking and understanding French
well enough, presenting obvious cognitive impairment, and women
with gestational diabetes, were excluded. Using a self-administered
questionnaire, data was collected on patients' characteristics and
diabetes as well as various process (e.g. recommended annual
screenings) and outcomes quality of care indicators. Descriptive
analyses were performed.
Results: A total of 406 patients with diabetes participated. Mean age
was 64 years, 41% were women and 63% were married. Patients
reported type 1, 2 and other types of diabetes in 13%, 69% and 19%,
respectively. They were treated with oral anti-diabetic drugs, insulin or
both in 50%, 23% and 27% of the cases. Half of the patients did not
report any diabetes-related complication. Glucose self-monitoring was
reported by 82% of the patients. Of those who were aware of HbA1C
(n = 218), 98% reported at least one HbA1C control during the last 12
months. During that same time frame, 97% and 95% reported at least
one blood pressure and weight measure, 94% reported having had a
cholesterol check, 74%, 68% and 64% had eyes, feet and urine
screening respectively. 62% of the patients had been immunized
against influenza. At least 76% of the patients had a minimum of 5 of
the 7 described process indicators performed during the last 12 months.
Among patients who knew the value (n = 145), mean HbA1C was 7.4
(SD 1.2).
Conclusion: This study targeting community-based diabetic patients
shows that while routine clinical and laboratory tests were annually
performed in the vast majority of patients, feet and urine screening, as
well as influenza immunization, were less often reported by patients.
The proportion of patients with diabetes having had at least 5 out of the
7 annual screenings performed was nevertheless very high.
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12/03/2013 18:45
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20/08/2019 17:20
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