Qualitative Inquiry In-Between the Local and the Global: Collective Reflection and Dialogues on Power, Resistance, and Decolonizing Possibilities, Conversation hours


ID Serval
Actes de conférence (partie): contribution originale à la littérature scientifique, publiée à l'occasion de conférences scientifiques, dans un ouvrage de compte-rendu (proceedings), ou dans l'édition spéciale d'un journal reconnu (conference proceedings).
Abstract (résumé de présentation): article court qui reprend les éléments essentiels présentés à l'occasion d'une conférence scientifique dans un poster ou lors d'une intervention orale.
Qualitative Inquiry In-Between the Local and the Global: Collective Reflection and Dialogues on Power, Resistance, and Decolonizing Possibilities, Conversation hours
Titre de la conférence
Society of Qualitative inquiry in Psychology
del Rio Carral Maria, Miranda Lucia, McMullen Linda, Kaló Zazkia, Riley Sarah
Americal Psychological Association (APA, SQiP)
Americal Psychological Association Division 5
Pittsburgh, PA
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
Editeur⸱rice scientifique
Li Peiwei, Kilby Laura
Building off our proposed symposium on Envisioning a Global Community of Qualitative Psychologists, this conversation hour aims to further create generative dialogues on qualitative inquiry on the international stage. Mapping qualitative inquiry onto the global geography foregrounds a trans-continental momentum of a qualitative movement toward pluralism and diversification (Gergen, Josselson & Freeman, 2015; Wertz, 2011), while amplifying the complex cultural, social, political and historical contexts that qualitative communities across the globe are embedded in. Taking on a critical attitude, qualitative psychologists have been engaging in epistemological reflection and critique to examine the role of power in research practice and in shaping psychology as a discipline (Teo, 2015). Also in our own local contexts we find ways to meaningfully resist dominant discourses of psychology while imagining new possibilities to contend what the discipline could be and/or should be. As we zoom out from our particular locality toward the global scene, we find ourselves grappling with the dialectics of the local and the global (Fine, Tuck & Zeller-Berkman, 2008). This calls for us to connect the dots between our local suffering and dispossession and the global currency of capitalism, its neoliberal form, and an emergent neo-fascist tendency, as well as the historical reproduction of imperialism, colonialism, racism, patriarchy and classism, and (Fine, Stoudt, Fox & Santos, 2010). Those forces unevenly impact the global north and south (Harvey, 2007) and yet ubiquitously reproduces dominance and oppression in local forms. Through this conversation hour, we hope to critically reflect on qualitative psychology in this global geography and to envision the possibilities for decolonizing qualitative inquiry (Smith, 2013). Participants would bring their diverging and converging perspectives from South America, East Asia, Central Europe, West Europe and North America into dialogues, and engage with the audience to explore this topic.
Création de la notice
03/08/2018 12:01
Dernière modification de la notice
21/08/2019 6:16
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