Doing the splits between parental duties and paid labour : the "role" of multiple roles on alcohol use among women in Switzerland


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Doing the splits between parental duties and paid labour : the "role" of multiple roles on alcohol use among women in Switzerland
Titre de la conférence
Swiss Addiction Research Day III (SSAM Sociét suisse de médecine de l'addiction)
Kuntsche S., Gmel G., Knibbe R.A.
Bern, Switzerland, November 21, 2008
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
The relevance of social roles varies depending on the particular characteristics of each role and the interrelations between these roles. The present study attempts to analyse the relation between parenthood and the employment background and their influence on alcohol use among women living in Switzerland. In addition, possible differences related to the family
as well as job characteristics will be taken into account. METHOD: Analysis is based on a national representative sample of 25 to 45 years old mothers in Switzerland. Logistic regressions of heavy volume drinking on the interaction of age of the youngest child and level of paid employment were adjusted for possible confounding family and job characteristics. RESULTS: The impact of age of the youngest child on heavy volume drinking varied across different levels of employment, but neither the family nor the job characteristics
could explain these differences. CONCLUSION: Depending of the level of employment the age of the youngest child reduced or increased the risk for heavy volume drinking indicating a differential vulnerability of housewives, part-time, or full-time working mothers.
Création de la notice
26/03/2009 16:17
Dernière modification de la notice
20/08/2019 15:40
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