Spinal cord T-cell infiltration in the spared nerve injury model of neuropathic pain: a time course study


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Spinal cord T-cell infiltration in the spared nerve injury model of neuropathic pain: a time course study
Clarke C.
Décosterd I.
Gosselin R-D.
Détails de l'institution
Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et médecine
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
Nombre de pages
Background : Numerous studies have shown that immune cells infiltrate the spinal cord after peripheral nerve injury and that they play a major contribution to sensory hypersensitivity in rodents. In particular, the role of monocyte-derived cells and T lymphocytes seems to be prominent in this process. This exciting new perspective in research on neuropathic pain opens many different areas of work, including the understanding of the function of these cells and how they impact on neural function. However, no systematic description of the time course or cell types that characterize this infiltration has been published yet, although this seems to be the rational first step of an overall understanding of the phenomenon.
Objective : Describe the time course and cell characteristics of T lymphocyte infiltration in the spinal cord in the Spared Nerve Injury (SNI) model of neuropathic pain in rats.
Methods : Collect of lumbar spinal cords of rats at days 2, 7, 21 and 40 after SNI or sham operation (n=4). Immunofluorescence detecting different proteins of T cell subgroups (CD2+CD4+, CD2+CD8+, Th1 markers, Th2 markers, Th17 markers). Quantification of the infiltration rate of the different subgroups.
Expected results : First, we expect to see an infiltration of T cells in the spinal cord ipsilateral to nerve injury, higher in SNI rats than in sham animals. Second, we anticipate that different subtypes of T cells penetrate at different time points. Finally, the number of T lymphocytes are expected to decrease at the latest time point, showing a resolution of the process underlying their infiltrating the spinal cord in the first place.
Impact : A systematic description of the infiltration of T cells in the spinal cord after peripheral nerve injury is needed to have a better understanding of the role of immune cells in neuropathic pain. The time course that we want to establish will provide the scientific community with new perspectives. First, it will confirm that T cells do indeed infiltrate the spinal cord after SNI in rats. Second, the type of T cells infiltrating at different time points will give clues about their function, in particular their inflammatory or anti-inflammatory profile. From there on, other studies could be lead, investigating the functional side of the specific subtypes put to light by us. Ultimately, this could lead to the discovery of new drugs targeting T cells or their infiltration, in the hope of improving neuropathic pain.
Neuropathic pain, T-cell, Spinal cord, Rat, Microglia
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10/09/2013 12:18
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20/08/2019 16:35
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