Toward a Cultural Health Psychology : taking researcher's and participants' activity into consideration
ID Serval
Actes de conférence (partie): contribution originale à la littérature scientifique, publiée à l'occasion de conférences scientifiques, dans un ouvrage de compte-rendu (proceedings), ou dans l'édition spéciale d'un journal reconnu (conference proceedings).
Poster: résume de manière illustrée et sur une page unique les résultats d'un projet de recherche. Les résumés de poster doivent être entrés sous "Abstract" et non "Poster".
Toward a Cultural Health Psychology : taking researcher's and participants' activity into consideration
Titre de la conférence
European Health Psychology Society
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
Several authors in critical health psychology have underlined the need to develop models of psychological life within qualitative
research that are not limited to mere descriptions of health or illness. This communication presents methodological basis in
order to overcome such descriptive level by proposing a socio-cultural approach. First, we analyze the dominant tendency in
psychology consisting on defining the constructivist paradigm and qualitative research as impressionist, vague and subjective,
that is, "non scientific". We claim that qualitative research may be objective, clear and precise while succeeding to consider
psychological processes within their socio-cultural context. We make "indirect methods" a major focus, as able to capture
psychological processes at stake in health and illness by interpreting their "traces". Moreover, we illustrate a variety of
methods used in psychology to study the structuring role of culture in this process. We conclude by discussing the possibility to
build complex psychological concepts regardless immediate experience.
research that are not limited to mere descriptions of health or illness. This communication presents methodological basis in
order to overcome such descriptive level by proposing a socio-cultural approach. First, we analyze the dominant tendency in
psychology consisting on defining the constructivist paradigm and qualitative research as impressionist, vague and subjective,
that is, "non scientific". We claim that qualitative research may be objective, clear and precise while succeeding to consider
psychological processes within their socio-cultural context. We make "indirect methods" a major focus, as able to capture
psychological processes at stake in health and illness by interpreting their "traces". Moreover, we illustrate a variety of
methods used in psychology to study the structuring role of culture in this process. We conclude by discussing the possibility to
build complex psychological concepts regardless immediate experience.
Création de la notice
01/10/2014 11:16
Dernière modification de la notice
20/08/2019 15:21