Intraoperative training on the techniques of sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer
Etat: Public
Version: Après imprimatur
ID Serval
Thèse: thèse de doctorat.
Intraoperative training on the techniques of sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer
Delaloye J.-F.
Pampallona S., Fattouche V., Monod J.-F.
Détails de l'institution
Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et médecine
Faculté de biologie et de médecineUniversité de LausanneUNIL - BugnonRue du Bugnon 21 - bureau 4111CH-1015 LausanneSUISSE
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
Nombre de pages
Principles: Surgeon's experience is crucial for proper application of sentinel node biopsy (SNB) in patients with breast cancer. A 20-30 cases learning curve of sentinel node (SN) and axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) was widely practiced. In order to speed up this learning curve, surgeons may be trained intraoperative by an experienced surgeon. The purpose of this report is to evaluate the results of this procedure.
Methods: Patients with one primary invasive breast cancer (cT1-T2[<3 cm]cN0) underwent SNB based on lymphoscintigraphy using technetium Tc 99m colloid, intraoperative gamma probe detection, with or without blue dye mapping. This was followed by completion ALND when SN was positive or not found. SNB was performed by one experienced surgeon (teacher) or by 10 junior surgeons trained by the experienced surgeon (trainees). Four groups were defined: (i) SNB with immediate ALND for the teacher's learning curve, (ii) SNB by the teacher, (iii) SNB by the trainees under the teacher's supervision, and (iv) SNB by the trainees alone. Results: Between May 1999 and December 2007, a total of 808 évaluable patients underwent SNB. The SN identification rate was 98% in the teacher's group, and 99% in the trainees' group (p = 0.196). SN were positive in respectively 28% and 29% of patients (p = 0.196). The distribution of isolated tumor cells, micrometastases and metastases was not statistically different between the teacher's and the trainees' groups (p = 0.163).
Conclusion: These comparable results confirm the success with which the SNB was taught. This strategy avoided the 20-30 SNB followed by immediate ALND early required per surgeon.
Methods: Patients with one primary invasive breast cancer (cT1-T2[<3 cm]cN0) underwent SNB based on lymphoscintigraphy using technetium Tc 99m colloid, intraoperative gamma probe detection, with or without blue dye mapping. This was followed by completion ALND when SN was positive or not found. SNB was performed by one experienced surgeon (teacher) or by 10 junior surgeons trained by the experienced surgeon (trainees). Four groups were defined: (i) SNB with immediate ALND for the teacher's learning curve, (ii) SNB by the teacher, (iii) SNB by the trainees under the teacher's supervision, and (iv) SNB by the trainees alone. Results: Between May 1999 and December 2007, a total of 808 évaluable patients underwent SNB. The SN identification rate was 98% in the teacher's group, and 99% in the trainees' group (p = 0.196). SN were positive in respectively 28% and 29% of patients (p = 0.196). The distribution of isolated tumor cells, micrometastases and metastases was not statistically different between the teacher's and the trainees' groups (p = 0.163).
Conclusion: These comparable results confirm the success with which the SNB was taught. This strategy avoided the 20-30 SNB followed by immediate ALND early required per surgeon.
breast cancer, sentinel node biopsy, axillary lymph node dissection, learning curve
Création de la notice
26/04/2012 10:55
Dernière modification de la notice
20/08/2019 15:13