Cavernomas and brain cysts as treatment-related sequelae in survivors of pediatric brain tumors


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Cavernomas and brain cysts as treatment-related sequelae in survivors of pediatric brain tumors
Casutt A.
Beck-Popovic M.
Maeder P., Negretti L.
Détails de l'institution
Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et médecine
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
Nombre de pages
Cavernomas after radiotherapy, developing in irradiated children treated for malignant brain tumors, are capillary malformations that are frquently asymptomatic and benign in their evolution. However, in some children this can lead to haemorrhage, which can cause symptoms and need a surgical intervention.
Although there is increasing evidence of cavernoma as a possible long term sequelae after radiotherapy, there is still information needed concerning very long follow-up.
Different groups studied this problem focusing on incidence and the lag time radiotherapy and the appearance of cavernomas. Results showed that the period can last a long time and the cumulative incidence increases over the years, but the numbers vary between the different publications.
More recently researchers tried to compare several predictive factors with the incidence of cavernomas, such as age at radiotherapy, gender, kind of cancer and chemotherapy. No relation has been recorded except a growing incidence when the radiotherapy was started before the age of ten.
Reason of the study :
The observations reported until now comprised a very heterogenous cohort of patients. No study has ever been made with patients affected only by malignant brain tumors which are typical in a children.
As for the studied predictive factors, no publication described the technical aspect of radiotherapy.
To study a population of pediatric patients children with only malignant brain tumors in order tp calculate the incidence of cavernomas after radiotherapy and their evolution over a longer period compared to so far published researches.
To analyse known predictive factors such as age of children at the moment of the radiotherapy, gender, and kind of cancer.
To study extensively the role technical aspects of radiotherapy in the occurrence of cavernomas.
Retrospective study of a group of 62 children irradiated at the CHUV (Lausanne, Switzerland) between 1975 and 2010 due to the following malignant brain cancers: medulloblastoma, ependymoma, PNET.
The images of IRM post radiotherapy will be analysed by a neuroradiologist and a radiotherapist will interpret the radiotherapy data.
Expected results:
We expect to find relations between the incidence of cavernomas post radiotherapy and the predictive factors including different techniques of radiotherapy and consequently to define the best long-term follow up of the children at risk.
cavernoma, brain cysts, children, radiation therapy, brain tumors
Création de la notice
12/09/2013 9:50
Dernière modification de la notice
15/02/2021 7:26
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