A Framework Proposal to Evaluate Conceptual Models Framing Wicked Managerial Concepts


ID Serval
Actes de conférence: ouvrage de compte-rendu (proceedings) ou édition spéciale d'un journal reconnu (conference proceedings) publié à l'occasion de conférences scientifiques.
A Framework Proposal to Evaluate Conceptual Models Framing Wicked Managerial Concepts
Date de publication
Editeur⸱rice scientifique
European Conference on Information Systems Research papers
Visual and collaborative canvases named visual inquiry tools have emerged as a powerful design science research (DSR) artefact to address wicked managerial problems. According to the design theory for visual inquiry tools, designing such a tool entails the development of a particular type of conceptual model, namely a parsimonious and simple conceptual model. Although the theory lists design principles that the conceptual model must abide by, it unfortunately remains silent regarding how one evaluates it in regard to them. Given that, coupled with the fundamental position evaluation holds in DSR, this research paper builds on existing prescriptive knowledge to develop a framework that supports designers in the evaluation of their conceptual model. The framework is composed of four evaluands, evaluation criteria, and guiding questions which depict, at a high-level, the questions to ask to evaluate the conceptual model. The framework is then applied to evaluate an existing conceptual model.
Design Science Research, Wicked problem modelling, Visual inquiry tool, Artefact evaluation
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23/09/2023 6:54
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