How Group Identification Distorts Beliefs
ID Serval
Rapport: document publié par une institution, habituellement élément d'une série.
Working paper: document de travail dans lequel l'auteur présente les résultats de ses travaux de recherche. Les working papers ont pour but de stimuler les discussions scientifiques avec les milieux intéressés et servent de base pour la publication d'articles dans des revues spécialisées.
How Group Identification Distorts Beliefs
Détails de l'institution
University of Lausanne
Date de publication
This paper investigates whether people have distorted beliefs about the ability of the social groups they identify with. We find that experimentally manipulated identification with a randomly composed group leads to overconfident beliefs about fellow group members' performance on an intelligence test. We also find that stronger group identification leads people to put more weight on positive signals, and less weight on negative signals, about their group's relative performance on the test. Our results suggest that beliefs about group ability can be distorted in a similar fashion as beliefs about individual ability. This in-group bias in beliefs has important economic consequences when group membership is used to make inference about an individual's characteristics, as in hiring or judicial decisions. We discuss the potential implications of this bias for economic theories of discrimination.
Création de la notice
23/08/2015 8:53
Dernière modification de la notice
21/08/2019 5:16