Changes in structure and assembly of a species-rich soil natural community with contrasting nutrient availability upon establishment of a plant-beneficial Pseudomonas in the wheat rhizosphere.
Etat: Public
Version: Final published version
Licence: CC BY 4.0
ID Serval
Article: article d'un périodique ou d'un magazine.
Changes in structure and assembly of a species-rich soil natural community with contrasting nutrient availability upon establishment of a plant-beneficial Pseudomonas in the wheat rhizosphere.
2049-2618 (Electronic)
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
Publication types: Video-Audio Media ; Journal Article ; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Publication Status: epublish
Publication Status: epublish
Plant-beneficial bacterial inoculants are of great interest in agriculture as they have the potential to promote plant growth and health. However, the inoculation of the rhizosphere microbiome often results in a suboptimal or transient colonization, which is due to a variety of factors that influence the fate of the inoculant. To better understand the fate of plant-beneficial inoculants in complex rhizosphere microbiomes, composed by hundreds of genotypes and multifactorial selection mechanisms, controlled studies with high-complexity soil microbiomes are needed.
We analysed early compositional changes in a taxa-rich natural soil bacterial community under both exponential nutrient-rich and stationary nutrient-limited growth conditions (i.e. growing and stable communities, respectively) following inoculation with the plant-beneficial bacterium Pseudomonas protegens in a bulk soil or a wheat rhizosphere environment. P. protegens successfully established under all conditions tested and was more abundant in the rhizosphere of the stable community. Nutrient availability was a major factor driving microbiome composition and structure as well as the underlying assembly processes. While access to nutrients resulted in communities assembled mainly by homogeneous selection, stochastic processes dominated under the nutrient-deprived conditions. We also observed an increased rhizosphere selection effect under nutrient-limited conditions, resulting in a higher number of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) whose relative abundance was enriched. The inoculation with P. protegens produced discrete changes, some of which involved other Pseudomonas. Direct competition between Pseudomonas strains partially failed to replicate the observed differences in the microbiome and pointed to a more complex interaction network.
The results of this study show that nutrient availability is a major driving force of microbiome composition, structure and diversity in both the bulk soil and the wheat rhizosphere and determines the assembly processes that govern early microbiome development. The successful establishment of the inoculant was facilitated by the wheat rhizosphere and produced discrete changes among other members of the microbiome. Direct competition between Pseudomonas strains only partially explained the microbiome changes, indicating that indirect interactions or spatial distribution in the rhizosphere or soil interface may be crucial for the survival of certain bacteria. Video Abstract.
We analysed early compositional changes in a taxa-rich natural soil bacterial community under both exponential nutrient-rich and stationary nutrient-limited growth conditions (i.e. growing and stable communities, respectively) following inoculation with the plant-beneficial bacterium Pseudomonas protegens in a bulk soil or a wheat rhizosphere environment. P. protegens successfully established under all conditions tested and was more abundant in the rhizosphere of the stable community. Nutrient availability was a major factor driving microbiome composition and structure as well as the underlying assembly processes. While access to nutrients resulted in communities assembled mainly by homogeneous selection, stochastic processes dominated under the nutrient-deprived conditions. We also observed an increased rhizosphere selection effect under nutrient-limited conditions, resulting in a higher number of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) whose relative abundance was enriched. The inoculation with P. protegens produced discrete changes, some of which involved other Pseudomonas. Direct competition between Pseudomonas strains partially failed to replicate the observed differences in the microbiome and pointed to a more complex interaction network.
The results of this study show that nutrient availability is a major driving force of microbiome composition, structure and diversity in both the bulk soil and the wheat rhizosphere and determines the assembly processes that govern early microbiome development. The successful establishment of the inoculant was facilitated by the wheat rhizosphere and produced discrete changes among other members of the microbiome. Direct competition between Pseudomonas strains only partially explained the microbiome changes, indicating that indirect interactions or spatial distribution in the rhizosphere or soil interface may be crucial for the survival of certain bacteria. Video Abstract.
Soil/chemistry, Triticum/microbiology, Rhizosphere, Soil Microbiology, Plant Roots/microbiology, Bacteria/genetics, Plants, Pseudomonas/genetics, Bacterial competition, Bulk soil, Inoculant proliferation, Microbial communities, Microbiome, Nutrient availability, Plant-beneficial inoculant, Pseudomonas, Wheat
Web of science
Open Access
Fonds national suisse / Projets / 51NF40_180575
Fonds national suisse / 310030_184666
Université de Lausanne
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