Alveolar echinococcosis of the liver: diffusionweighted MR imaging findings


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Actes de conférence (partie): contribution originale à la littérature scientifique, publiée à l'occasion de conférences scientifiques, dans un ouvrage de compte-rendu (proceedings), ou dans l'édition spéciale d'un journal reconnu (conference proceedings).
Abstract (résumé de présentation): article court qui reprend les éléments essentiels présentés à l'occasion d'une conférence scientifique dans un poster ou lors d'une intervention orale.
Alveolar echinococcosis of the liver: diffusionweighted MR imaging findings
Titre de la conférence
ECR 2012, European Congress of Radiology
Pomoni A., Schmidt S., Uldry L., Halkic N., Denys A., Meuli R., Becce F.
Vienna, Austria, March 1-5, 2012
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
Purpose: To report the diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) findings in hepatic alveolar echinococcosis (AE). To evaluate the usefulness of apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) for differentiating the 5 types of AE lesions (as reported by Kodama, Radiology, 2003).Methods and Materials: We retrospectively included 17 patients (10 women, mean age 64.3years) with 48 AE liver lesions (>1cm2) that had been investigated by 3-Tesla MR imaging between March 2008 and August 2011 performing our standard protocol including DWI (b-values: 0, 300 and 600s/mm2). In consensus, two radiologists assessed lesion characteristics such as diameter, cystic and/or fibrotic components including Kodama classification, signal intensity, contrast enhancement, calcifications (on CT), and measured the ADC of each lesion. AE was confirmed by serology, biopsy and/or surgery in all patients.Results: Seventeen lesions of Kodama type 1, 10 of type 2, 19 of type 3, 1 of type 4 and 1 of type 5 were found. Mean(±SD) ADC of all AE lesions was 1.75±0.45 ×10-3mm2/s. Mean(±SD) ADCs of Kodama type 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 lesions were 1.74±0.55, 1.71±0.49, 1.82±0.36, 1.46±0 and 1.43±0 ×10-3mm2/s, respectively. No significant difference was noted between the different Kodama types (p=0.89). Presence of fibrotic (p=0.24) and/or calcified (p=0.90) components, or contrast enhancement (p=0.84) of AE lesions were not correlated with significant differences in ADCs.Conclusion: ADCs of AE lesions are relatively low compared to other cystic liver lesions, which is helpful in suggesting the diagnosis. However, ADCs were not found to be useful for differentiating Kodama types of AE lesions.
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03/04/2012 17:27
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20/08/2019 13:45
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