Automated MRI-based volumetry of basal ganglia and thalamus at the chronic phase of cortical stroke
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ID Serval
Thèse: thèse de doctorat.
Automated MRI-based volumetry of basal ganglia and thalamus at the chronic phase of cortical stroke
Maeder Philippe
Détails de l'institution
Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et médecine
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
Purpose We aimed at assessing the potential of automated MR morphometry to assess individual basal ganglia and thalamus volumetric changes at the chronic phase after cortical stroke.
Methods Ninety-six patients (mean age: 65 ± 18 years, male 55) with cortical stroke at the chronic phase were retrospectively included. Patients were scanned at 1.5 T or 3 T using a T1-MPRAGE sequence. Resulting 3D images were processed with the MorphoBox prototype software to automatically segment basal ganglia and thalamus structures, and to obtain Z scores consid-
ering the confounding effects of age and sex. Stroke volume was estimated by manual delineation on T2-SE imaging. Z scores
were compared between ipsi- and contralateral stroke side and according to the vascular territory. Potential relationship between
Z scores and stroke volume was assessed using the Spearman correlation coefficient.
Results Basal ganglia and thalamus volume Z scores were lower ipsilaterally to MCA territory stroke (p values < 0.034) while they were not different between ipsi- and contralateral stroke sides in non-MCA territory stroke (p values > 0.37). In MCA territory stroke, ipsilateral caudate nucleus (rho = − 0.34, p = 0.007), putamen (rho = − 0.50, p < 0.001), pallidum (rho = − 0.44, p < 0.001), and thalamus (rho = − 0.48, p < 0.001) volume Z scores negatively correlated with the cortical stroke volume. This relation was not influenced by cardiovascular risk factors or time since stroke.
Conclusion Automated MR morphometry demonstrated atrophy of ipsilateral basal ganglia and thalamus at the chronic phase after cortical stroke in the MCA territory. The atrophy was related to stroke volume. These results confirm the potential role for automated MRI morphometry to assess remote changes after stroke.
Methods Ninety-six patients (mean age: 65 ± 18 years, male 55) with cortical stroke at the chronic phase were retrospectively included. Patients were scanned at 1.5 T or 3 T using a T1-MPRAGE sequence. Resulting 3D images were processed with the MorphoBox prototype software to automatically segment basal ganglia and thalamus structures, and to obtain Z scores consid-
ering the confounding effects of age and sex. Stroke volume was estimated by manual delineation on T2-SE imaging. Z scores
were compared between ipsi- and contralateral stroke side and according to the vascular territory. Potential relationship between
Z scores and stroke volume was assessed using the Spearman correlation coefficient.
Results Basal ganglia and thalamus volume Z scores were lower ipsilaterally to MCA territory stroke (p values < 0.034) while they were not different between ipsi- and contralateral stroke sides in non-MCA territory stroke (p values > 0.37). In MCA territory stroke, ipsilateral caudate nucleus (rho = − 0.34, p = 0.007), putamen (rho = − 0.50, p < 0.001), pallidum (rho = − 0.44, p < 0.001), and thalamus (rho = − 0.48, p < 0.001) volume Z scores negatively correlated with the cortical stroke volume. This relation was not influenced by cardiovascular risk factors or time since stroke.
Conclusion Automated MR morphometry demonstrated atrophy of ipsilateral basal ganglia and thalamus at the chronic phase after cortical stroke in the MCA territory. The atrophy was related to stroke volume. These results confirm the potential role for automated MRI morphometry to assess remote changes after stroke.
Basal ganglia . Brainmorphometry . Magnetic resonance imaging . Stroke . Thalamus
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08/03/2021 12:13
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21/03/2021 18:15