Quantifying the Benefits of Syncing Search Engine and Television Ads

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Version: Author's accepted manuscript
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ID Serval
Actes de conférence (partie): contribution originale à la littérature scientifique, publiée à l'occasion de conférences scientifiques, dans un ouvrage de compte-rendu (proceedings), ou dans l'édition spéciale d'un journal reconnu (conference proceedings).
Quantifying the Benefits of Syncing Search Engine and Television Ads
Titre de la conférence
Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy: EMAC 2022 Annual
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
We assess the profitability of synchronizing search engine and television ads (i.e., real-time syncing). In
collaboration with a company, we ran a field experiment that randomized the presence of brand text and
shopping search ads across geographical regions during the execution of a television advertising campaign.
The results show that the elasticity of website visits to television advertising is 10.2% higher when text ads
are enabled (vs paused). This elasticity is 7.8% higher when both text and shopping ads are enabled (vs
paused). Television ads significantly decrease the conversion rate but enabling shopping ads attenuates this
decrease by 69.2%. Our results demonstrate that search ads moderate the effects of television advertising,
which is a necessary condition for a real-time syncing strategy to increase revenues. A what-if analysis based
on the results shows that using a real-time syncing strategy during a 100-GRP campaign increases profits
between 1.0% and 4.9%.
collaboration with a company, we ran a field experiment that randomized the presence of brand text and
shopping search ads across geographical regions during the execution of a television advertising campaign.
The results show that the elasticity of website visits to television advertising is 10.2% higher when text ads
are enabled (vs paused). This elasticity is 7.8% higher when both text and shopping ads are enabled (vs
paused). Television ads significantly decrease the conversion rate but enabling shopping ads attenuates this
decrease by 69.2%. Our results demonstrate that search ads moderate the effects of television advertising,
which is a necessary condition for a real-time syncing strategy to increase revenues. A what-if analysis based
on the results shows that using a real-time syncing strategy during a 100-GRP campaign increases profits
between 1.0% and 4.9%.
search engine advertising, television advertising, real-time-syncing
Création de la notice
18/06/2022 8:00
Dernière modification de la notice
22/02/2023 6:51