Changes in antihypertensive drug treatment in the general population: the Colaus Study


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Changes in antihypertensive drug treatment in the general population: the Colaus Study
Titre de la conférence
Swiss Public Health Conference 2012
Christe V., Waeber G., Vollenweider P., Marques-Vidal P.M.
Lausanne, Switzerland, August 30-31, 2012
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
Background and aims: there is little information regar ding changes in antihypertensive drug treatment in Switzerland. We aimed at assessing those changes in a population-based, prospective study.
Methods: 768 hypertensive subjects (372 women, 397 men) followed for 5 years. Subjects
were defined as continuers (no change), switchers (one antihypertensive class replace by another), combiners (one antihypertensive class added) and discontinuers (stopped treatment).
Results: Analysis of all patients (mono or combination therapy) showed that 54.6% were continuers, 27.2% combiners, 12.9% switchers and 5.3 % discontinuers. Similar findings were obtained for participants on monotherapy only: 42.2% continuers, 36.7% combiners, 13.4% switchers and 7.7% discontinuers. Combiners had higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure values at baseline than the other groups (p<0.001), while no difference were found for personal and family history and other clinical and biological variables. Compared to continuers, combiners and switchers improved their blood pressure status at follow-up: 26.7% of combiners and 26.3% of switchers improved, versus 17.7% of continuers and 7.3% of
discontinuers (p<0.001). Among participants on monotherapy at baseline, continuation was greatest for angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocking agents (ARBs, 53.1%), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (44.4%) and β-blockers (41.8%). Only one quarter of participants
treated with diuretic or calcium channel blockers at baseline remained so at follow-up.
Conclusion: Antihypertensivedrug treatment is very stable in Switzerland. There are no big differences in persistence between antihypertensive classes, even if ARBs had the most favorable utilization pattern. Changes are only due to blood pressure level and improve blood pressure status.
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16/03/2013 12:30
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20/08/2019 14:19
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