Dense breast on screening mammography: utility and futility of additional ultrasound.


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Version: Final published version
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Dense breast on screening mammography: utility and futility of additional ultrasound.
Titre de la conférence
105t Swiss Congress of Radiology, May 10-12-2018, Lausanne
Junod S., Bulliard J-L., Ducros C., Meuwly J-Y.
Statut éditorial
Date de publication
High breast density decreases the sensitivity of mammography. Regardless of masking effect, it is also a stronger predictor for breast cancer than most other risk factors, including family history. Up to 50% of women have dense breast (categories C+D).
The relative risk is 2.1 to 2.3 in women with extremely dense breast (category d). There is little consensus on the potential need of additional measures. Breast Ultrasound (US) may be proposed as an adjunctive test, as it is non-invasive and non-irradiating. Since 2012, our program for breast cancer screening propose to realise an additional US to the women with category d breasts. An evaluation of the data of the first year showed that less 50% of the women act upon the recommendation. In spite of the low compliance supplementary cancers were found. Since, no more evaluation was performed.
The aim of this study was: To evaluate the effect of the recommendation in term of additional cancer's identification, additional biopsies and additional investigations. To identify the reasons of non compliance.
Création de la notice
29/05/2018 13:39
Dernière modification de la notice
20/08/2019 12:52
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