Taxonbridge: an R package to create custom taxonomies based on the NCBI and GBIF taxonomies


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Taxonbridge: an R package to create custom taxonomies based on the NCBI and GBIF taxonomies
Veldsman Werner P., Campli Giulia, Dind Sagane, Rech de Laval Valentine, Drage Harriet B., Waterhouse Robert M., Robinson-Rechavi Marc
Date de publication
Biological taxonomies establish conventions by which researchers can catalogue and systematically compare their work using nomenclature such as species binomial names and reference identifiers. The ideal taxonomy is unambiguous and exhaustive; however, no such single taxonomy exists, partly due to continuous changes and contributions made to existing taxonomies. The degree to which a taxonomy is useful furthermore depends on context provided by such variables as the taxonomic neighbourhood of a species (e.g., selecting arthropod or vertebrate species) or the geological time frame of the study (e.g., selecting extinct versus extant species). Collating the most relevant taxonomic information from multiple taxonomies is hampered by arbitrarily defined identifiers, ambiguity in scientific names, as well as duplicated and erroneous entries. The goal of taxonbridge is to provide tools for merging the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Backbone Taxonomy and the United States National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Taxonomy in order to create consistent, deduplicated and disambiguated custom taxonomies that reference both extant and extinct species.
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