Simulation of 210Pb and 7Be scavenging in the tropics by the LMDz general circulation model

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Simulation of 210Pb and 7Be scavenging in the tropics by the LMDz general circulation model
Atmospheric Research
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A new formulation of aerosol scavenging by convective precipitations, consistent with the
Emanuel convective mass-flux scheme, is implemented into the Laboratoire de Météorologie
Dynamique general circulation model, LMDz. The aerosols 210Pb and 7Be are used as inert
tracers to evaluate LMDz performance in terms of atmospheric transport in the tropics. Wind
fields are calculated over 2007 in a regular grid with a resolution of 1.875° in longitude, 1.24°
in latitude and 40 vertical levels. The first part of the paper addresses the sensitivity of LMDz
simulations to convective schemes and to scavenging parameterizations. Results are analyzed
at two tropical stations and one mid-latitude station by comparing simulated aerosol concentrations
with available data, collected at surface stations. On a daily scale, the observed
variations of concentrations are poorly reproduced by any considered model at both tropical
stations. Nevertheless, fluctuations at timescales longer than a few days may be captured over
periods of a few weeks to a few months by the new formulation.
The second part of this paper focuses on the new implemented parameterization of convective
scavenging. The objective is to interpret mismatches of simulated concentrations with observed
data and to determine which transport mechanisms are responsible for peaks of 7Be
concentrations recorded at tropical stations. Typical meteorological situations in Polynesia are
analyzed in view of convective transport and scavenging of 7Be. In particular, the sensitivity to
the location of the South Pacific Convergence Zone is examined on concentrations in Polynesia.
Results demonstrate that 7Be plumes are brought downward in the middle atmosphere by
large-scale subsidence associated to the subtropical jet, in a 35°–25°S band. At surface, 7Be
plumes are associated either to shallow convection or to deep convection with moderate
precipitations. Within moderate convective events, surface concentrations are enhanced by
surface release due to re-evaporation of precipitations. Most 7Be surface plumes reaching the
Polynesian stations are produced locally in the neighborhood of stations and advected over
one or two days by surface large-scale winds. The largest mismatches may be attributed to
uncertainties in the simulation of precipitations within deep convective cloud systems that
develop along troughs.
Emanuel convective mass-flux scheme, is implemented into the Laboratoire de Météorologie
Dynamique general circulation model, LMDz. The aerosols 210Pb and 7Be are used as inert
tracers to evaluate LMDz performance in terms of atmospheric transport in the tropics. Wind
fields are calculated over 2007 in a regular grid with a resolution of 1.875° in longitude, 1.24°
in latitude and 40 vertical levels. The first part of the paper addresses the sensitivity of LMDz
simulations to convective schemes and to scavenging parameterizations. Results are analyzed
at two tropical stations and one mid-latitude station by comparing simulated aerosol concentrations
with available data, collected at surface stations. On a daily scale, the observed
variations of concentrations are poorly reproduced by any considered model at both tropical
stations. Nevertheless, fluctuations at timescales longer than a few days may be captured over
periods of a few weeks to a few months by the new formulation.
The second part of this paper focuses on the new implemented parameterization of convective
scavenging. The objective is to interpret mismatches of simulated concentrations with observed
data and to determine which transport mechanisms are responsible for peaks of 7Be
concentrations recorded at tropical stations. Typical meteorological situations in Polynesia are
analyzed in view of convective transport and scavenging of 7Be. In particular, the sensitivity to
the location of the South Pacific Convergence Zone is examined on concentrations in Polynesia.
Results demonstrate that 7Be plumes are brought downward in the middle atmosphere by
large-scale subsidence associated to the subtropical jet, in a 35°–25°S band. At surface, 7Be
plumes are associated either to shallow convection or to deep convection with moderate
precipitations. Within moderate convective events, surface concentrations are enhanced by
surface release due to re-evaporation of precipitations. Most 7Be surface plumes reaching the
Polynesian stations are produced locally in the neighborhood of stations and advected over
one or two days by surface large-scale winds. The largest mismatches may be attributed to
uncertainties in the simulation of precipitations within deep convective cloud systems that
develop along troughs.
radionuclide, climate model, convection
Open Access
Create date
25/04/2022 9:31
Last modification date
25/04/2022 9:52