vnd sol her wigelis ouch also riten gegen ime: Die Tituli des ‚Donaueschinger Wigalois‘


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vnd sol her wigelis ouch also riten gegen ime: Die Tituli des ‚Donaueschinger Wigalois‘
Title of the book
Der ‚Donaueschinger Wigalois‘. Eine Handschrift des 15. Jahrhunderts im Zentrum neuer Forschungsansätze
Putzo Christine
De Gruyter
Publication state
In Press
Griese Sabine, Mackert Christoph
Kulturtopographie des alemannischen Raums
This article examines the tituli of the Donaueschingen Wigalois (Karlsruhe, BLB, cod. Don. 71), an illuminated manuscript attributed to the transitional phase between the ‘Alsatian Workshop of 1418’ and the workshop of Diebold Lauber in Hagenau. The tituli, which also function as chapter headings and as instructions for the illuminator, stand out from those of other manuscripts of the Alsatian workshops because of several characteristics, such as their level of detail and occasional switches from addressing the reader to addressing the illuminator. At the same time, their structure and linguistic form reveal two genetic layers: that of a lost source manuscript, which is also indicated by various types of copying errors, and that of a deliberate editing process, probably performed by the scribe of this manuscript, albeit in a strikingly inconsistent manner. This state of affairs is explained by the hypothesis that the lost source was a more sparsely illustrated Wigalois from the ‘Workshop of 1418’ and that the Donaueschingen Wigalois represents a revision of its earlier illustration programme, adding further illustrations to meet the higher standards that emerged in the early phase of the workshop of Diebold Lauber. This redesign, realized only partially, seems to have been conceived in the actual copying process rather than beforehand, which accounts for the unusual features and numerous mistakes in the tituli.
Create date
02/03/2023 22:15
Last modification date
22/04/2023 6:50
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