Désirer : une histoire de la sexologie à Lausanne (1950-2000) = Desire : A History of Sexology in Lausanne (1950-2000)
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Article: article from journal or magazin.
Désirer : une histoire de la sexologie à Lausanne (1950-2000) = Desire : A History of Sexology in Lausanne (1950-2000)
Revue suisse d'histoire
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Issued date
Cette publication fait partie du projet de recherche intitulé "Façonner l'hétérosexualité: histoire des 'troubles' du désir féminin en Suisse romande de 1960 à nos jours = Making up Heterosexuality: A History of Female Desire 'Disorders' in French-speaking Switzerland from the 1960s to the Present", financé par le Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique (FNS n° 100011-153080). Requérante responsable: C. Kraus. Co-requérant-e-s: V. Barras & V. Mottier.
Cet article se propose de retracer une histoire de la sexologie à Lausanne des années 1950 à 2000 sous l’angle du désir sexuel et de ses problèmes. Il s’intéresse tout particulièrement à la manière dont s’est construit localement un savoir expert sur le désir sexuel, des femmes en particulier, entre théories sexologiques, pratiques cliniques, de conseil conjugal et de planning familial, dans le contexte politique et social de la Suisse romande de la deuxième moitié du 20ème siècle. A partir de cette étude de cas, basée sur l’analyse des archives du Centre médico-social Pro Familia de Lausanne et diverses autres sources produites par les acteur/trices les plus impliqué-e-s dans le domaine de la sexologie en Suisse romande, il s’agira d’intégrer les « troubles » du désir sexuel dans une histoire plus large du désir et de la sexualité. Par l’identification des termes qui régissent la question du désir sexuel (sauvegarde de l’union conjugale, régulation des naissances, lutte contre l’avortement, épanouissement personnel, etc.), nous mettrons ainsi en évidence les diverses modalités sur lesquelles la question du désir sexuel cristallise, pendant la période considérée, des normes de sexe, de genre et de sexualité, mais aussi des enjeux disciplinaires et professionnels (en particulier, entre sexologie médicale, conseil conjugal et planning familial) dans l’établissement d’une approche médico-sociale de la sexualité).
ENGLISH ABTRACT: This article retraces the history of sexology in Lausanne from 1950 to 2000, with a thematic focus on the issue of sexual desire. It seeks to analyze the singular ways in which expert knowledge about sexual desire, female sexual desire in particular, was produced at the intersection of sexological theories, clinical practice, couple counseling, and family planning in the social and political context of the second half of the 20th century in French-speaking Switzerland. Based on archival research in the social medical Centre «Pro Familia» in Lausanne and on various other sources produced by the main actors involved in the field of sexology in French-speaking Switzerland, this case study makes it possible to appreciate sexual desire «problems» within a broader history of desire and sexuality.This article iden- tifies the terms governing the issue of sexual desire (saving marriages, birth control, fighting abortion, personal development, etc.) to better highlight the va- rious ways in which, at the time, normative ideals for sex, gender, and sexuality crystallized in the issue of female sexual desire, but also disciplinary and professional tensions (especially between medical sexology, couple counseling, and family planning), in the process of establishing a medical social approach to sexuality.
ENGLISH ABTRACT: This article retraces the history of sexology in Lausanne from 1950 to 2000, with a thematic focus on the issue of sexual desire. It seeks to analyze the singular ways in which expert knowledge about sexual desire, female sexual desire in particular, was produced at the intersection of sexological theories, clinical practice, couple counseling, and family planning in the social and political context of the second half of the 20th century in French-speaking Switzerland. Based on archival research in the social medical Centre «Pro Familia» in Lausanne and on various other sources produced by the main actors involved in the field of sexology in French-speaking Switzerland, this case study makes it possible to appreciate sexual desire «problems» within a broader history of desire and sexuality.This article iden- tifies the terms governing the issue of sexual desire (saving marriages, birth control, fighting abortion, personal development, etc.) to better highlight the va- rious ways in which, at the time, normative ideals for sex, gender, and sexuality crystallized in the issue of female sexual desire, but also disciplinary and professional tensions (especially between medical sexology, couple counseling, and family planning), in the process of establishing a medical social approach to sexuality.
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Create date
13/03/2017 17:00
Last modification date
28/09/2020 5:26