Assurance-maladie et libéralisme économique: l'échec de l'initiative populaire du Parti socialiste suisse de 1974
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Assurance-maladie et libéralisme économique: l'échec de l'initiative populaire du Parti socialiste suisse de 1974
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En 1974, le corps électoral suisse repousse lors d’une votation une initiative populaire du Parti socialiste suisse en faveur d’une réforme de l’assurance-maladie, ainsi qu’un contre-projet moins ambitieux élaboré par les autorités. Cet échec des partisans d’une réforme mérite d’être étudié, car il s’agit de la principale tentative, jusqu’à nos jours, de mettre en œuvre un modèle reposant sur un financement social et impliquant une couverture des risques étendue. De fait, dans les mois qui suivent le scrutin, la crise économique renforce les partisans d’une limitation du développement des prestations sociales et réduit du même coup la perspective de transformation en profondeur de l’assurance-maladie espérée par la gauche. L’échec socialiste de 1974 se solde ainsi par une consolidation du modèle libéral sur le plan économique, promu par la droite conservatrice et le patronat.
In 1974, the Swiss citizens voted against a popular initiative aimed at reforming the health insurance, launched by the Swiss Socialist Party. They refused as well a less ambitious counter-proposal elaborated by the government. This failure of the left-wing reformers is worthy of interest. This was, indeed, the main attempt until now to implement a healthcare subsidization based on social funding that would provide a wide risk coverage. In fact, shortly after the vote, the emerging economic crisis rather reinforced the advocates of a limitation of social welfare benefits. This durably hindered the political Left’s hopes of transforming in depth the Swiss healthcare system. The 1974 failure of the socialist initiative thus contributed to strengthen the conservative model, which received support from right-wing forces and the business community.
In 1974, the Swiss citizens voted against a popular initiative aimed at reforming the health insurance, launched by the Swiss Socialist Party. They refused as well a less ambitious counter-proposal elaborated by the government. This failure of the left-wing reformers is worthy of interest. This was, indeed, the main attempt until now to implement a healthcare subsidization based on social funding that would provide a wide risk coverage. In fact, shortly after the vote, the emerging economic crisis rather reinforced the advocates of a limitation of social welfare benefits. This durably hindered the political Left’s hopes of transforming in depth the Swiss healthcare system. The 1974 failure of the socialist initiative thus contributed to strengthen the conservative model, which received support from right-wing forces and the business community.
Assurance-maladie, Suisse, Parti socialiste, Sécurité sociale, Votation, Health insurance, Switzerland, Socialist Party, Social security, Popular vote
Open Access
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10/08/2020 14:29
Last modification date
21/11/2022 8:28