Aristocratie distributive et traditions républicaines : une histoire comparative des usages du tirage au sort en politique dans trois cantons suisses d' Ancien Régime ( 1 7e - 18e siècles)

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PhD thesis: a PhD thesis.
Aristocratie distributive et traditions républicaines : une histoire comparative des usages du tirage au sort en politique dans trois cantons suisses d' Ancien Régime ( 1 7e - 18e siècles)
Chollet Antoine
Kapossy Béla
Institution details
Université de Lausanne, Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques
Publication state
Issued date
Ces dernières années, de nombreuses études ont examiné les cas historiques d'utilisations du tirage au sort en politique : aucune d'entre elles n'a abordé les expérimentations des républiques suisses d'Ancien Régime . En s'inscrivant dans le champ de l'histoire des pratiques politiques, la présente recherche montre que cette technique a été intensivement utilisée dans trois républiques suisses au cours des 17c et 18c siècles, dans l'optique de distribuer des privilèges au sein de petits groupes et de corriger la cooptation familiale. Pour décrire cet aspect, cette thèse propose le terme d'aristocratie distributive afin de mettre en lumière les logiques d'attribution du pouvoir. L'analyse de l'emploi du tirage au sort lors des élections jusqu'à la fin du 18c siècle permet de montrer que cet outil de légitimation des familles au pouvoir est ensuite également mobilisé par les couches inférieures de la population. L'existence dans l'ancienne Confédération du modèle de la Landsgemeinde ainsi que de la nouvelle forme de liberté, liée au droit naturel, permettent la formulation de revendications égalitai res, dont l'objectif est le partage du bien commun. L'expérimentation qui prend place à Glaris en 1791 représente sur ce plan une concrétisation inédite, mais ne marquera pas la construction politique de la Suisse moderne. Cette thèse avance ainsi que, dans l'ancienne Confédération, le tirage au sort est principalement utilisé en tant que moyen de redistribution des privilèges collectifs et propose, par contraste, des éléments nouveaux sur les raisons de sa disparition des institutions politiques du 19c siècle.
ln recent years, many studies have examined historic cases of the use of sortition in politics, but none of them discusses the experiences of the Swiss Ancien Régime republics. ln the field of the history of political practices, this study shows that selection by lot was used in three Swiss republics during the 17th and 18th centuries, with the aim of distributing privileges among small groups and countering co-optation among powerful families. ln examining this power attribution mechanism, 1 propose in my thesis the concept of distributive aristocracy. The study of the use of selection by lot until the end of the 18th century shows that this tool of legitimation for the families in power was also used by the lower strata of the population. The existence of the landsgemeinde model in the Old Swiss Confederation and the new conception of freedom related to natural law generated many egalitarian claims, with the aim of sharing the common good. The political experience of sortition in the canton of Glarus in 1791 constitutes a unique example, but one that did not §ultimately influence the political construction of Switzerland afterward. This thesis puts forward that, in the Old Swiss Confederation, sortition was mainly used as a tool for distributing collective privileges and suggests, in contrast, new elements for the reasons that this political technique was abandoned during the 19th century.
ln recent years, many studies have examined historic cases of the use of sortition in politics, but none of them discusses the experiences of the Swiss Ancien Régime republics. ln the field of the history of political practices, this study shows that selection by lot was used in three Swiss republics during the 17th and 18th centuries, with the aim of distributing privileges among small groups and countering co-optation among powerful families. ln examining this power attribution mechanism, 1 propose in my thesis the concept of distributive aristocracy. The study of the use of selection by lot until the end of the 18th century shows that this tool of legitimation for the families in power was also used by the lower strata of the population. The existence of the landsgemeinde model in the Old Swiss Confederation and the new conception of freedom related to natural law generated many egalitarian claims, with the aim of sharing the common good. The political experience of sortition in the canton of Glarus in 1791 constitutes a unique example, but one that did not §ultimately influence the political construction of Switzerland afterward. This thesis puts forward that, in the Old Swiss Confederation, sortition was mainly used as a tool for distributing collective privileges and suggests, in contrast, new elements for the reasons that this political technique was abandoned during the 19th century.
Create date
13/09/2021 9:55
Last modification date
14/09/2021 5:40