Chronologie et répartition spatiale des établissements fortifiés tardo-laténiens du Plateau et du Jura suisses
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Inproceedings: an article in a conference proceedings.
Chronologie et répartition spatiale des établissements fortifiés tardo-laténiens du Plateau et du Jura suisses
Title of the conference
Les espaces fortifiés à l’âge du Fer en Europe, Actes du colloque AFEAF du Puy-en-Velay (30 mai-1er juin 2019)
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Delrieu Fabien, Féliu Clément, Gruat Philippe, Kurzaj Marie-Caroline, Nectou Élise
Collection Afeaf
Der vorliegende Gemeinschaftsartikel diskutiert die spätlatènezeitliche Siedlungslandschaft im heutigen Schweizer Mittelland und Jura. Trotzteilweise lückenhaftem Forschungsstand können im Untersuchungsgebiet zwanzig befestigte Siedlungen lokalisiert und, dank einer auf Referenzfundkomplexen basierenden Regionalchronologie, datiert werden. Die Zeitstellung und Belegungsdauer der Siedlungen geben Einblicke in die vorherrschende Siedlungsdynamik. Während sich im Umland Genfs und im Jura eine stabile Siedlungslandschaft abzeichnet, zeigt sich imMittelland am Übergang der Stufen LT D1b zu LT D2a bei der Art der befestigten Siedlungen ein grösserer Wechsel: Praktisch alle grossen befestigten Siedlungen werden verlassen und es entstehen kleinere Neugründungen. Der Prozess setzt sich in der Stufe LT D2b fort mit der Entstehungneuer, stärker militärisch geprägter Siedlungen.
Despite the sometimes incomplete nature of the archaeological record for the late Iron Age, it is still possible to date the twenty known fortified sites in the Swiss Plateau and Jura. The chronology is established from a corpus of settlements in these regions, which have been recently enriched with new find assemblages. Thanks to the site chronology, trajectories in their occupation can be identified. While a certain continuity characterizes the sites of Geneva and in the Jura, a rupture appears clearly in the sites in the Swiss Plateau at the time of transition from La Tène D1b and D2a, when almost all of the large fortified sites of the Plateau were abandoned in favour of smaller foundations. From La Tène D2b onwards, these were then complemented by new sites with an essentially military character (traduction Andrew Lawrence).
Despite the sometimes incomplete nature of the archaeological record for the late Iron Age, it is still possible to date the twenty known fortified sites in the Swiss Plateau and Jura. The chronology is established from a corpus of settlements in these regions, which have been recently enriched with new find assemblages. Thanks to the site chronology, trajectories in their occupation can be identified. While a certain continuity characterizes the sites of Geneva and in the Jura, a rupture appears clearly in the sites in the Swiss Plateau at the time of transition from La Tène D1b and D2a, when almost all of the large fortified sites of the Plateau were abandoned in favour of smaller foundations. From La Tène D2b onwards, these were then complemented by new sites with an essentially military character (traduction Andrew Lawrence).
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22/09/2022 8:40
Last modification date
12/11/2022 6:37