Clinical Effect of Early vs Late Amyloid Positron Emission Tomography in Memory Clinic Patients: The AMYPAD-DPMS Randomized Clinical Trial.


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Clinical Effect of Early vs Late Amyloid Positron Emission Tomography in Memory Clinic Patients: The AMYPAD-DPMS Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA neurology
Altomare D., Barkhof F., Caprioglio C., Collij L.E., Scheltens P., Lopes Alves I., Bouwman F., Berkhof J., van Maurik I.S., Garibotto V., Moro C., Delrieu J., Payoux P., Saint-Aubert L., Hitzel A., Molinuevo J.L., Grau-Rivera O., Gispert J.D., Drzezga A., Jessen F., Zeyen P., Nordberg A., Savitcheva I., Jelic V., Walker Z., Edison P., Demonet J.F., Gismondi R., Farrar G., Stephens A.W., Frisoni G.B.
Working group(s)
Amyloid Imaging to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease (AMYPAD) Consortium
Abdelnour C., Aguilera N., Aksman L., Alarcón-Martín E., Alegret M., Alonso-Lana S., Altomare D., Andersen P., Arab M., Aspö M., Bader I., Bader I., Banton N., Barkhof F., Barnes R., Barrie D., Battle M., Belén Collado A., Bellet J., Berkhof J., Biger M., Birck C., Bischof G., Boada M., Boellaard R., Bogdanovic N., Bollack A., Bombois S., Borg S., Borjesson-Hanson A., Boskov V., Boutantin J., Boutoleau-Bretonniere C., Bouwman F., Breuilh L., Bringman E., Brunel B., Bucci M., Buckley C., Buendía M., Bullich S., Calvet A., Cañada L., Cañada M., Caprioglio C., Cardoso J., Carlier J., Carre E., Carrie I., Cassagnaud P., Cassol E., Castilla-Martí M., Cazalon E., Chaarriau T., Chaigeau R., Chalmers T., Clerc M.T., Clerigue M., Cognat E., Coll N., Collij L.E., Connely P., Cordier E., Costes C., Coulange C., Courtemanche H., Creisson E., Crinquette C., Cuevas R., Cufi M.N., Dardenne S., de Arriba M., de Costa Luis C., de Gier Y., de Verbizier Lonjon D., Dekker V., Dekyndt B., Delbeuck X., Delrieu J., Demonet J.F., Deramecourt V., Desclaux F., Diaz C., Diego S., Djafar M., Dölle B., Doull L., Dricot L., Drzezga A., Dubois B., Dumont J., Dumur J., Dumurgier J., Dvorak M., Ecay M., Edison P., Escher C., Estanga A., Esteban E., Fanjaud G., Farrar G., Fauria K., Felez Sanchez M., Feukam Talla P., Ford L., Frisoni G.B., Fuster D., Gabelle A., Garibotto V., Gaubert S., Gauci C., Geldhof C., Georges J., Ghika J., Gismondi R., Gispert J.D., González E., Goovaerts V., Goulart D.M., Grasselli C., Grau-Rivera O., Gray K., Greensmith M., Grozn L., Guillemaud C., Gunn F., Guntur Ramkumar P., Hagman G., Hansseuw B., Heeman F., Hendriks J., Himmelmann J., Hitzel A., Hives F., Hoenig M., Hourrègue C., Hudson J., Huguet J., Ibarria M., Iidow I., Indart S., Ingala S., Ivanoiu A., Jacquemont C., Jelic V., Jessen F., Jiao J., Jofresa S., Jonsson C., Kaliukhovich D., Kern S., Kivipelto M., Knezevic I., Kuchcinski G., Laforce M., Lafuente A., Lala F., Lammertsma A., Lax M., Lebouvier T., Lee H.Y., Lee L., Leeuwis A., Lefort A., Legrand J.F., Leroy M., Lesoil Markowski C., Levy M., Lhommel R., Lopes R., Lopes Alves I., Lorenzini L., Lorette A., Luckett E., Lundin M., Mackowiak M.A., Malotaux V., Manber R., Manyakov N., Markiewicz P., Marne P., Marquié M., Martín E., Martínez J., Martinez Lage P., Mastenbroek S.E., Maureille A., Meersmans K., Mett A., Milne J., Minguillón C., Modat M., Molinuevo J.L., Montrreal L., Moro C., Müller T., Muniz G., Mutsarts H.J., Nilsson T., Ninerola A., Nordberg A., Novaes W., Nuno Carmelo Pires Silva J., Operto G., Orellana A., Ousset P.J., Outteryck O., Pallardy A., Palombit A., Pancho A., Pappon M., Paquet C., Pariente J., Pasquier F., Payoux P., Peaker H., Pelejà E., Pennetier D., Pérez-Cordón A., Perissinotti A., Perrenoud M.P., Petit S., Petyt G., Pfeil J., Pirotte B., Pla S., Plaza Wuthrich S., Poitrine L., Pollet M., Poncelet J.B., Prior J., Pruvo J.P., Putallaz P., Queneau M., Quenon L., Rădoi A., Rafiq M., Ramage F., Ramis M., Reinwald M., Rios G., Ritchie C., Rodriguez E., Rollin A., Rouaud O., Sacuiu S., Saint-Aubert L., Sala A., Salabert A.S., Saldias J., Salvadó G., Sanabria A., Sannemann L., Sastre N., Savina D., Savitcheva I., Schaeverbeke J., Scheltens P., Schildermans C., Schmidt M., Schöll M., Schuermans J., Semah F., Shekari M., Skoog I., Sotolongo-Grau O., Stephens A., Stewart T., Stutzmann J., Tait M., Tárraga L., Tartari J.P., Tysen-Backstrom A.C., Valero S., Vallez Garcia D., van Berckel BNM, van Essen M., Van Laere K., van Leur J., van Maurik I.S., Vandenberghe R., Vellas B., Virolinen J., Visser P.J., Walker Z., Walles H., Wallin E., Whitelaw G., Wimberley C., Win Z., Wink A.M., Wolz R., Woodside J., Yaqub M., Zettergren A., Zeyen P.
2168-6157 (Electronic)
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Abdelnour C Aguilera N. Aksman L. Alarcon-Martin E. Alegret M. Alonso-Lana S. Altomare D. Andersen P. Arab M. Aspo M. Bader I. Bader I. Banton N. Barkhof F. Barnes R. Barrie D. Battle M. Belen Collado A. Bellet J. Berkhof J. Biger M. Birck C. Bischof G. Boada M. Boellaard R. Bogdanovic N. Bollack A. Bombois S. Borg S. Borjesson-Hanson A. Boskov V. Boutantin J. Boutoleau-Bretonniere C. Bouwman F. Breuilh L. Bringman E. Brunel B. Bucci M. Buckley C. Buendia M. Bullich S. Calvet A. Canada L. Canada M. Caprioglio C. Cardoso J. Carlier J. Carre E. Carrie I. Cassagnaud P. Cassol E. Castilla-Marti M. Cazalon E. Chaarriau T. Chaigeau R. Chalmers T. Clerc M. T. Clerigue M. Cognat E. Coll N. Collij L. E. Connely P. Cordier E. Costes C. Coulange C. Courtemanche H. Creisson E. Crinquette C. Cuevas R. Cufi M. N. Dardenne S. de Arriba M. de Costa Luis C. de Gier Y. de Verbizier Lonjon D. Dekker V. Dekyndt B. Delbeuck X. Delrieu J. Demonet J. F. Deramecourt V. Desclaux F. Diaz C. Diego S. Djafar M. Dolle B. Doull L. Dricot L. Drzezga A. Dubois B. Dumont J. Dumur J. Dumurgier J. Dvorak M. Ecay M. Edison P. Escher C. Estanga A. Esteban E. Fanjaud G. Farrar G. Fauria K. Felez Sanchez M. Feukam Talla P. Ford L. Frisoni G. B. Fuster D. Gabelle A. Garibotto V. Gaubert S. Gauci C. Geldhof C. Georges J. Ghika J. Gismondi R. Gispert J. D. Gonzalez E. Goovaerts V. Goulart D. M. Grasselli C. Grau-Rivera O. Gray K. Greensmith M. Grozn L. Guillemaud C. Gunn F. Guntur Ramkumar P. Hagman G. Hansseuw B. Heeman F. Hendriks J. Himmelmann J. Hitzel A. Hives F. Hoenig M. Hourregue C. Hudson J. Huguet J. Ibarria M. Iidow I. Indart S. Ingala S. Ivanoiu A. Jacquemont C. Jelic V. Jessen F. Jiao J. Jofresa S. Jonsson C. Kaliukhovich D. Kern S. Kivipelto M. Knezevic I. Kuchcinski G. Laforce M. Lafuente A. Lala F. Lammertsma A. Lax M. Lebouvier T. Lee H. Y. Lee L. Leeuwis A. Lefort A. Legrand J. F. Leroy M. Lesoil Markowski C. Levy M. Lhommel R. Lopes R. Lopes Alves I. Lorenzini L. Lorette A. Luckett E. Lundin M. Mackowiak M. A. Malotaux V. Manber R. Manyakov N. Markiewicz P. Marne P. Marquie M. Martin E. Martinez J. Martinez Lage P. Mastenbroek S. E. Maureille A. Meersmans K. Mett A. Milne J. Minguillon C. Modat M. Molinuevo J. L. Montrreal L. Moro C. Muller T. Muniz G. Mutsarts H. J. Nilsson T. Ninerola A. Nordberg A. Novaes W. Nuno Carmelo Pires Silva J. Operto G. Orellana A. Ousset P. J. Outteryck O. Pallardy A. Palombit A. Pancho A. Pappon M. Paquet C. Pariente J. Pasquier F. Payoux P. Peaker H. Peleja E. Pennetier D. Perez-Cordon A. Perissinotti A. Perrenoud M. P. Petit S. Petyt G. Pfeil J. Pirotte B. Pla S. Plaza Wuthrich S. Poitrine L. Pollet M. Poncelet J. B. Prior J. Pruvo J. P. Putallaz P. Queneau M. Quenon L. Radoi A. Rafiq M. Ramage F. Ramis M. Reinwald M. Rios G. Ritchie C. Rodriguez E. Rollin A. Rouaud O. Sacuiu S. Saint-Aubert L. Sala A. Salabert A. S. Saldias J. Salvado G. Sanabria A. Sannemann L. Sastre N. Savina D. Savitcheva I. Schaeverbeke J. Scheltens P. Schildermans C. Schmidt M. Scholl M. Schuermans J. Semah F. Shekari M. Skoog I. Sotolongo-Grau O. Stephens A. Stewart T. Stutzmann J. Tait M. Tarraga L. Tartari J. P. Tysen-Backstrom A. C. Valero S. Vallez Garcia D. van Berckel B. N. M. van Essen M. Van Laere K. van Leur J. van Maurik I. S. Vandenberghe R. Vellas B. Virolinen J. Visser P. J. Walker Z. Walles H. Wallin E. Whitelaw G. Wimberley C. Win Z. Wink A. M. Wolz R. Woodside J. Yaqub M. Zettergren A. Zeyen P., Amyloid Imaging to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease Consortium
Publication types: Randomized Controlled Trial ; Journal Article ; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Publication Status: ppublish
Amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) allows the direct assessment of amyloid deposition, one of the main hallmarks of Alzheimer disease. However, this technique is currently not widely reimbursed because of the lack of appropriately designed studies demonstrating its clinical effect.
To assess the clinical effect of amyloid PET in memory clinic patients.
The AMYPAD-DPMS is a prospective randomized clinical trial in 8 European memory clinics. Participants were allocated (using a minimization method) to 3 study groups based on the performance of amyloid PET: arm 1, early in the diagnostic workup (within 1 month); arm 2, late in the diagnostic workup (after a mean [SD] 8 [2] months); or arm 3, if and when the managing physician chose. Participants were patients with subjective cognitive decline plus (SCD+; SCD plus clinical features increasing the likelihood of preclinical Alzheimer disease), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or dementia; they were assessed at baseline and after 3 months. Recruitment took place between April 16, 2018, and October 30, 2020. Data analysis was performed from July 2022 to January 2023.
Amyloid PET.
The main outcome was the difference between arm 1 and arm 2 in the proportion of participants receiving an etiological diagnosis with a very high confidence (ie, ≥90% on a 50%-100% visual numeric scale) after 3 months.
A total of 844 participants were screened, and 840 were enrolled (291 in arm 1, 271 in arm 2, 278 in arm 3). Baseline and 3-month visit data were available for 272 participants in arm 1 and 260 in arm 2 (median [IQR] age: 71 [65-77] and 71 [65-77] years; 150/272 male [55%] and 135/260 male [52%]; 122/272 female [45%] and 125/260 female [48%]; median [IQR] education: 12 [10-15] and 13 [10-16] years, respectively). After 3 months, 109 of 272 participants (40%) in arm 1 had a diagnosis with very high confidence vs 30 of 260 (11%) in arm 2 (P < .001). This was consistent across cognitive stages (SCD+: 25/84 [30%] vs 5/78 [6%]; P < .001; MCI: 45/108 [42%] vs 9/102 [9%]; P < .001; dementia: 39/80 [49%] vs 16/80 [20%]; P < .001).
In this study, early amyloid PET allowed memory clinic patients to receive an etiological diagnosis with very high confidence after only 3 months compared with patients who had not undergone amyloid PET. These findings support the implementation of amyloid PET early in the diagnostic workup of memory clinic patients.
EudraCT Number: 2017-002527-21.
Humans, Male, Female, Aged, Alzheimer Disease/psychology, Brain/metabolism, Prospective Studies, Positron-Emission Tomography, Cognitive Dysfunction, Amyloid/metabolism, Amyloidogenic Proteins, Amyloid beta-Peptides/metabolism
Web of science
Open Access
Create date
15/05/2023 13:18
Last modification date
22/06/2024 7:16
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