Effet neuroprotecteur d’une supplémentation maternelle en polyphénols dans le cadre de l’hypoxie-ischémie néonatale.
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PhD thesis: a PhD thesis.
Effet neuroprotecteur d’une supplémentation maternelle en polyphénols dans le cadre de l’hypoxie-ischémie néonatale.
Institution details
Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et médecine
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L'hypoxique-ischémique (HI) néonatale est une pathologie qui touche 1-8 ‰ nourrissons. Elle est caractérisée par une privation d'oxygène et du flux sanguin vers le cerveau au moment de la naissance. Les lésions à long terme peuvent être limitées par l'hypothermie, seule thérapie actuellement appliquée en clinique, mais de nombreux nouveau-nés n'y répondent pas. Le trans-resvératrol (RSV) joue un rôle neuroprotecteur dans diverses pathologies neurodégénératives. Notre objectif est d'étudier les effets de différents fenêtres de supplémentation maternelle en RSV sur les conséquences cérébrales d'une HI néonatale chez le rat et de décrire les différentes voies neuroprotectrices emprunter par ce polyphénol. Pour cela différents groupes de supplémentations ont été définis en fonction de la présence du RSV (0,1Smg/kg/jour) dans l'eau de boisson de la rate (préventif ou curatif). L'originalité du projet repose sur le mode d'administration qui est transgénérationnel et nutritionnel. Les ratons ont subi une HI à P7 et un suivi longitudinal des dommages a été effectué avec la mesure des volumes lésionnels par IRM (Bruker 4,7T) et divers tests comportementaux. Afin de décrypter la mécanistique du RSV, des RT-qPCR, Western Blot et analyses histologiques ont été réalisés permettant une grande complémentarité des techniques. Le role neuroprotecteur de la supplémentation maternelle en RSV a pu être mis en évidence, plus particulière pour le groupe rsvGL (supplémentation en RSV deux semaines avant l'HI). Eneffet, ce groupe a présenté des plus petites lésions et des meilleures performances comportementales. Les analyses ont montré une augmentation de l'expression des gènes des voies de signalisations connus du RSV (SIRT1, SOD et Bcl2) et du métabolisme cérébrale (MCTs, LDHs, GLAST, GLT1, Na+/K+ATPase). En conclusion, le RSV a indéniablement des propriétés neuroprotectrices qui sont dues à l'activation de la voie des sirtuines (antioxydantes et anti apoptotiques). Néanmoins, le RSV a aussi un impact sur le métabolisme cérébral et plus particulièrement sur la navette lactate astrocyte-neurone (ANLS) comme suggèrent les données de RT- qPCR et de western-blot, qui contribuent aux effets neuroprotecteurs.
Neonatal hypoxia-ischemia (HI) is a major cause of death or subsequent disabilities in infants. HI causes brain lesions, which are induced by a strong reduction in oxygen and nutrient supply. Hypothermia is the only validated beneficial intervention, but not all newborns respond to it. Trans-resveratrol (RSV) is an interesting candidate as it has been reported to exhibit neuroprotective effects in some neurodegenerative diseases. This experimental study aimed to investigate a possible neuroprotection of RSV in rat neonatal HI, when administered to the pregnant rat female, at a nutritional dose. Several groups of pregnant female rats were studied in which RSV was added to drinking water either during the last week of pregnancy, the first week of lactation, or both. Then, 7-day old pups underwent an HI event. Pups were followed longitudinally, using both MRI and behavioral testing. To decipher the molecul ar mechanism of this neuroprotection, RT-qPCR and western blots were also performed on pup brain samples. Data clearly indicated that when dams were supplemented with RSV, HI pup brain lesions were significantly reduced. Maternal RSV supplementation allowed to reverse HI pup sensorimotor and cognitive deficits caused by the insult. The best recoveries were observed when RSV was administered during both gestation and lactation rsvGL group. Our hypothesis is that RSV, in addition to the well-known neuroprotective benefits via the sirtuin's pathway (antioxidant properties, inhibition of apoptosis), has an impact on brain metabolism, and more specifically on the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle (ANLS), as suggested by RT-qPCR and western- blot data that contributes to the neuroprotective effects.
Neonatal hypoxia-ischemia (HI) is a major cause of death or subsequent disabilities in infants. HI causes brain lesions, which are induced by a strong reduction in oxygen and nutrient supply. Hypothermia is the only validated beneficial intervention, but not all newborns respond to it. Trans-resveratrol (RSV) is an interesting candidate as it has been reported to exhibit neuroprotective effects in some neurodegenerative diseases. This experimental study aimed to investigate a possible neuroprotection of RSV in rat neonatal HI, when administered to the pregnant rat female, at a nutritional dose. Several groups of pregnant female rats were studied in which RSV was added to drinking water either during the last week of pregnancy, the first week of lactation, or both. Then, 7-day old pups underwent an HI event. Pups were followed longitudinally, using both MRI and behavioral testing. To decipher the molecul ar mechanism of this neuroprotection, RT-qPCR and western blots were also performed on pup brain samples. Data clearly indicated that when dams were supplemented with RSV, HI pup brain lesions were significantly reduced. Maternal RSV supplementation allowed to reverse HI pup sensorimotor and cognitive deficits caused by the insult. The best recoveries were observed when RSV was administered during both gestation and lactation rsvGL group. Our hypothesis is that RSV, in addition to the well-known neuroprotective benefits via the sirtuin's pathway (antioxidant properties, inhibition of apoptosis), has an impact on brain metabolism, and more specifically on the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle (ANLS), as suggested by RT-qPCR and western- blot data that contributes to the neuroprotective effects.
MRI, neonatal hypoxia-ischemia, polyphenol, resveratrol, brainmetabolism. IRM, hypoxie-ischémienéonatale, polyphénol, resvératrol, métabolisme cérébral
Create date
04/05/2021 9:08
Last modification date
21/03/2024 7:11