Wonderalp. Une science émerveillée: les Alpes et la culture de la curiosité
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Wonderalp. Une science émerveillée: les Alpes et la culture de la curiosité
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WonderAlp est un cabinet de curiosités réalisé à partir d'une documentation provenant d'anciens ouvrages de voyages dans les Alpes. L'app présente des images de dragons, de fossiles, de cristaux, de plantes, d'animaux, de phénomènes naturels. Elle donne des clés pour retrouver et comprendre l'émerveillement devant la nature qui animait la science à l'époque de la curiosité (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles).
WonderAlp is a cabinet of curiosities that transforms your iPad or Android into an Early Modern Wunderkammer. It displays objects discovered in the Alps during the early period of exploration. These are grouped under three titles : "Dragons of the Alps", "Fossils and Crystals", "Plants to Landscapes". It helps apprehend a natural world that is both rational and wonderful, scholarly and popular, unlike the compartmentalized thinking of modern life.
WonderAlp is a cabinet of curiosities that transforms your iPad or Android into an Early Modern Wunderkammer. It displays objects discovered in the Alps during the early period of exploration. These are grouped under three titles : "Dragons of the Alps", "Fossils and Crystals", "Plants to Landscapes". It helps apprehend a natural world that is both rational and wonderful, scholarly and popular, unlike the compartmentalized thinking of modern life.
Alpes, curiosité, XVIIIe siècle, histoire naturelle, multimédia
Publication notes
Viaticalpes Production, Lausanne, à télécharger sur App Store et Google Play
Publisher's website
Create date
06/01/2016 16:55
Last modification date
20/08/2019 14:15