A exploração temporal como modalidade da viagem imaginária nos quadrinhos da tradição franco-belga (1930-1980)
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A exploração temporal como modalidade da viagem imaginária nos quadrinhos da tradição franco-belga (1930-1980)
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Article traduit du français par Benjamin Picado
Neste artigo, exploro o tema da viagem temporal nos quadrinhos de ficção científica franceses até os anos 1980.Viagens no tempo incorporam um potencial fascinante para a representação narrativa, já que o movimento de volta no tempo permite multiplicar linhas do tempo, de acordo com um conhecido "paradoxo do avô". Esta virtualidade se tornou muito popular nos romances e filmes, desde In His Bootstraps (Heilein, 1941), La Jetée (Marker, 1962), até o mais recente Looper (Johnson, 2012), mas raramente tem sido representada nos quadrinhos franceses antes dos anos 1980, e com a aparição de paradoxos do tempo em séries como Yoko Tsuno e sobretudo em Valérien, agent spatio-temporel. De fato, a roteirização mais complexa, envolvendo múltiplas linhas do tempo, não combinaria com o formato de uma publicação folhetinesca e periódica, dirigida ao público jovem, já que teria um alto custo cognitivo. Ainda assim, o desenvolvimento de paradoxos temporais nos roteiros de Pierre Christin sublinha o potencial desse medium quando publicado em séries de álbuns ou em novelas gráficas. Ao mesmo tempo, os desenhos de Jean-Claude Mézières - contando com representações espetaculares de mundos estrangeiros - mostram que o interesse visual por viagens no tempo espetaculares permanecem um problema central para esse popular meio gráfico.
In this paper, I explore the motif of time travel in science fictional French comics until the eighties. Time travel incorporates a fascinating potential for narrative representation, since moving back in time may multiply timelines, according to the well-known paradox of the grandfather. This virtuality has become very popular in novels and in movies, since In his Bootstraps (Heinlein, 1941) and La Jetée (Marker, 1962) until the recent Looper (Johnson, 2012) but it has been rarely represented in French comics before the eighties and the apparition of time paradoxes in series like YokoTsuno and, mostly, Valérian agent spatio-temporel. Indeed, complex scriptwriting involving multiple timelines would not fit the form of a weekly feuilleton addressed to a young audience, because it would be too demanding cognitively speaking. Still, the development of time paradoxes in Pierre Christin scriptwriting underlines the potential of the media when it is published in series of albums or in graphic novels. At the same time, Jean-Claude Mézières drawings-featuring spectacular representations of foreign worlds-show that the visual interest of spectacular time travels remains a central issue for this popular graphic medium.
In this paper, I explore the motif of time travel in science fictional French comics until the eighties. Time travel incorporates a fascinating potential for narrative representation, since moving back in time may multiply timelines, according to the well-known paradox of the grandfather. This virtuality has become very popular in novels and in movies, since In his Bootstraps (Heinlein, 1941) and La Jetée (Marker, 1962) until the recent Looper (Johnson, 2012) but it has been rarely represented in French comics before the eighties and the apparition of time paradoxes in series like YokoTsuno and, mostly, Valérian agent spatio-temporel. Indeed, complex scriptwriting involving multiple timelines would not fit the form of a weekly feuilleton addressed to a young audience, because it would be too demanding cognitively speaking. Still, the development of time paradoxes in Pierre Christin scriptwriting underlines the potential of the media when it is published in series of albums or in graphic novels. At the same time, Jean-Claude Mézières drawings-featuring spectacular representations of foreign worlds-show that the visual interest of spectacular time travels remains a central issue for this popular graphic medium.
Viagem no tempo, ficção científica, Quadrinhos franceses, Narratologia não-natural, aventura, viagens extraordinárias, time travel, science fiction, French comics, unnatural narratology, adventure, extraordinary journeys
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13/07/2016 13:04
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20/08/2019 14:57