Conceptualization of IT user role in e-training for stress management: a realist review
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Conceptualization of IT user role in e-training for stress management: a realist review
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4th International Research Conference Wellbeing of Hospitality & Hospitality of Wellbeing, 28 mai 2018 Brig
This research has been supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) grant no. 172740.
This research has been supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) grant no. 172740.
The electronic training (e-training) for stress management in the workplace involves the use of Information Technology (IT) in the context of electronic human resource management (e-HRM). However, the literature is unclear regarding the conditions under which the IT use may contribute to achieving the workplace outcomes in such interventions. This study uses a realist review for addressing this research problem. This is an article proposal for the first paper using a realist review methodology in the Information Systems (IS) field. The literature sources include seven studies found in the database “Web of Science” as of December 2017, focusing on computerized cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) in the workplace. The findings show that the IT use in the e-training for stress management works under condition of fit between the IT user type and e-HRM goals. Under this condition, Operational IT users achieve mainly mental and psychological health outcomes, while relational IT users may also achieve work-related outcomes, such as improved engagement. These findings expand the knowledge about theoretical and actual IT user categories in the e-HRM Typology Model. By implication, this article proposes three future research directions in the IS field.
electronic humain ressourse management (e-HRM), IT user typology, e-training, stress management, iCBT, realist review
Swiss National Science Foundation / Programmes
Create date
01/07/2018 12:35
Last modification date
20/08/2019 13:55