The new Directive on work-life balance: towards a new paradigm of family care and equality?
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The new Directive on work-life balance: towards a new paradigm of family care and equality?
European Law Review
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This article examines the new Work-Life Balance Directive of June 2019 which aims to enhance women's participation in employment by increasing the possibilities for men to take
up family-related leave. The Directive includes provisions on paternity leave, non-transferability and payment of (part of) parental leave, carers’ leave and extended possibilities
for parents and carers to request flexible working arrangements. These provisions will have a significant impact in most Member States, obliging them to increase paid reserved periods of
child-related leave for both mothers and fathers. The new Directive was one of the initiatives where the European Pillar of Social Rights has proved to be successful up to now and at the
time of writing was one of only two directives (together with the European Accessibility Act) the Union adopted since 2010 in the area of equality—which gives food for thought.
up family-related leave. The Directive includes provisions on paternity leave, non-transferability and payment of (part of) parental leave, carers’ leave and extended possibilities
for parents and carers to request flexible working arrangements. These provisions will have a significant impact in most Member States, obliging them to increase paid reserved periods of
child-related leave for both mothers and fathers. The new Directive was one of the initiatives where the European Pillar of Social Rights has proved to be successful up to now and at the
time of writing was one of only two directives (together with the European Accessibility Act) the Union adopted since 2010 in the area of equality—which gives food for thought.
Work-Life Balance, paternity leave, parental leave, equality, gender equality, flexible working arrangements, social policy
Create date
03/09/2020 7:33
Last modification date
18/03/2021 8:22