GTS Phase V - Gas Migration Experiments in a Heterogeneous Shear Zone of the Grimsel Test Site


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GTS Phase V - Gas Migration Experiments in a Heterogeneous Shear Zone of the Grimsel Test Site
Marschall P., Lunati I.
Issued date
Gas Migration Experiments in a Heterogeneous Shear Zone of the Grimsel Test Site
This report documents the scientific investigations carried out as
part of the GAM project between June 1997 and April 2001 at the Grimsel
Test Site (GTS) within the framework of Investigation Phase V (1997
? 2001). Four radioactive waste management organisations participated
in the GAM experiment, namely ANDRA, ENRESA, NAGRA and Sandia National
Laboratories (SNL) for the US Department of Energy (DOE). The experiment
team consisted of the delegates of the participating organisations,
research groups from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology /
Zurich and from the Technical University of Catalonia / Barcelona
and, last but not least, several contractor teams.
Essential aims of the GAM investigation programme were the development
and testing of laboratory and field equipment for tracer experiments.
Innovative laboratory technologies were applied, such as Laser Scanning
Confocal Microscopy and X-ray tomography, flow visualisation in artifical
fractures, nuclear magnetic resonance measurements and neutron radiography.
Furthermore, a new technique was tested for the recovery of well
preserved core samples from the GAM shear zone. Novelties in field
testing comprised the use of an on-line counter for the particle
tracer tests and a georadar survey of gas and brine injection tests
with a high frequency borehole antenna.
The development of upscaling methodologies and the derivation of effective
parameters for single- and two-phase flow models was another issue
of interest. The investigations comprised theoretical studies on
solute transport in non-uniform flow fields and assessment of the
impact of the microstructure on solute and gas transport. Closely
related to these theoretical studies was the numerical interpretation
of the combined solute and gas tracer tests, which revealed the great
potential of such data sets with regard to model discrimination.
As a final step in the synthesis task of the GAM project, a model
abstraction process was established, aimed at integrating the descriptive
studies on various scales with the hydraulic investigations to produce
a consistent conceptual model of flow and transport processes in
the heterogeneous shear zone.
Create date
25/11/2013 20:19
Last modification date
20/08/2019 13:54
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