Entre enseignement religieux et histoire des religions : pluralité des logiques dans le canton suisse du Tessin

Serval ID
PhD thesis: a PhD thesis.
Entre enseignement religieux et histoire des religions : pluralité des logiques dans le canton suisse du Tessin
Petitat André
Institution details
Université de Lausanne, Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques
Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques (SSP)
Université de Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne
Université de Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne
Publication state
Issued date
Au début des années 2000, deux initiatives parlementaires ont proposé le dépassement des enseignements religieux confessionnels dans l'école publique tessinoise au profit d'un enseignement laïque destiné à la totalité du public scolaire. La recherche a eu comme but principal de décrire et de comprendre comment les acteurs impliqués dans l'implantation pratique de l'enseignement d'Histoire des religions se réappropriaient les indications et les prescriptions institutionnelles. Elle s'est plus particulièrement focalisée sur le double rapport qui caractérise d'une part les relations entre curriculum formel et curriculum réel et d'autre part les relations de continuité ou de discontinuité entre perspective religieuse et perspective non religieuse dans l'étude des religions. Les développements théoriques qui animent la sociologie du curriculum sont particulièrement fertiles pour comprendre la manière dont les directives institutionnelles se déclinent sur le terrain dynamique de l'école. Nous avons mené des entretiens semi-directifs et collectifs avec les différents acteurs impliqués pour ensuite en examiner le contenu à travers une analyse thématique. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de comprendre que les acteurs sociaux conçoivent le cours d'Histoire des religions (HR) comme un enseignement se référant à quatre logiques d'action principales : HR comme enseignement interculturel sur les religions, HR comme enseignement national sur les religions, HR comme enseignement religieux multiculturel et HR comme enseignement religieux national. Ces différentes logiques, parfois contradictoires, sont à mettre en rapport avec les hésitations de l'État tessinois et les difficultés qu'il a rencontrées dans sa tentative de redéfinir son rôle par rapport au domaine du religieux dans l'école et dans la société.
In the early 2000s, two parliamentary initiatives proposed overcoming denominational religious teaching in Ticino state schools in favour of secular éducation for the entire school population. The main objective of research was to describe and understand how the stakeholders involved in the practical implementation of the History of Religions programme interpreted and reclaimed institutional indications and requirements. Research focused particularly on the duality characterising the relationship between formai and actual curriculum on the one hand and, on the other, the relationships of continuity or discontinuity between religious and non-religious perspectives in the study of religions. The theoretical developments which have been driving sociology of the curriculum are particularly useful in understanding how institutional guidelines are interpreted in the dynamic field of actual school. We conducted semi-structured interviews and group interviews with the various stakeholders (teachers, parents, pupils and heads of éducation) and went on to examine the contents through a thematic analysis. The results obtained have led us to understand that the social actors conceive the History of Religions (HR) course as referring to four main logics of action: HR as intercultural éducation about religions, HR as national éducation about religions, HR as multicultural religious éducation and HR as national religious éducation. These différent - sometimes contradictory - approaches are related to the political configuration in Ticino, where the State hesitated and encountered difficulties in attempting to redefine its rôle in relation to the field of religion at school and in society.
In the early 2000s, two parliamentary initiatives proposed overcoming denominational religious teaching in Ticino state schools in favour of secular éducation for the entire school population. The main objective of research was to describe and understand how the stakeholders involved in the practical implementation of the History of Religions programme interpreted and reclaimed institutional indications and requirements. Research focused particularly on the duality characterising the relationship between formai and actual curriculum on the one hand and, on the other, the relationships of continuity or discontinuity between religious and non-religious perspectives in the study of religions. The theoretical developments which have been driving sociology of the curriculum are particularly useful in understanding how institutional guidelines are interpreted in the dynamic field of actual school. We conducted semi-structured interviews and group interviews with the various stakeholders (teachers, parents, pupils and heads of éducation) and went on to examine the contents through a thematic analysis. The results obtained have led us to understand that the social actors conceive the History of Religions (HR) course as referring to four main logics of action: HR as intercultural éducation about religions, HR as national éducation about religions, HR as multicultural religious éducation and HR as national religious éducation. These différent - sometimes contradictory - approaches are related to the political configuration in Ticino, where the State hesitated and encountered difficulties in attempting to redefine its rôle in relation to the field of religion at school and in society.
Create date
14/03/2017 9:48
Last modification date
20/08/2019 12:47