Le champ d’application spatial des législations nationales en matière de conduite responsable des entreprises
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Le champ d’application spatial des législations nationales en matière de conduite responsable des entreprises
Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme
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Plusieurs États européens envisagent de légiférer, ou l'ont déjà fait, dans le domaine de la conduite responsable des entreprises et exigent des entreprises de respecter certaines normes de droits humains quel que soit le lieu où elles exercent leurs activités. Nous démontrons que le champ d'application spatial de telles législations nationales contient trois volets distincts. Distinguer ces trois volets nous permet de structurer le débat sur l'étendue géographique, l'extraterritorialité et la légitimité de ce type de réglementations nationales du point de vue des obligations en matière de droits humains et de la souveraineté des États.
Several European states are considering legislating, or have already legislated, in the area of responsible business conduct to require companies to respect human rights standards in their operations, including in their activities abroad. The article discusses the different aspects of the territorial scope of application of such legislation from the perspective of international law and identifies three distinct strands. This typology facilities the debate on the geographical scope and the extraterritoriality and legitimacy of such domestic regulations from the perspective of human rights obligations and state sovereignty.
Several European states are considering legislating, or have already legislated, in the area of responsible business conduct to require companies to respect human rights standards in their operations, including in their activities abroad. The article discusses the different aspects of the territorial scope of application of such legislation from the perspective of international law and identifies three distinct strands. This typology facilities the debate on the geographical scope and the extraterritoriality and legitimacy of such domestic regulations from the perspective of human rights obligations and state sovereignty.
Create date
07/06/2021 14:21
Last modification date
21/11/2022 8:31